
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Stress !

Stress is caused by two things and two things only :
  1. Any time we believe we "have to do something".
  2. Any time there is a conflict between our actions and beliefs.

When you pretend not to like do something, pretending to enjoy something you don;'t really like, or any time of pretending whatsoever, you are "coping". Coping causes physiological havoc inside your body. The answer or alternative to coping, is complete honesty - especially with yourself. This puts realness back into your life and eliminates feeling out of control. As you honest with yourself, you are living life as it really is and the result is true joy rather than pretended happiness. Self-honesty fosters good health.

In a nutshell, the way to avoid coping is to be completely honest with yourself. Coping is just surviving. Self honesty gives vigor to life and fosters strength. When hurting words are spoken, damaging deeds are done, or discouraging events take place, you can focus on your feelings and not try to hide them. This gives your hypothalamus some rest. The only message that is stored is the truth- that your feelings were hurt, you struggled to get by, or you felt sad. All this does is reinforce to the mind that your ability to feel and to recognize feelings is still functioning and a series of 1400 chemical reactions which constitute survival or coping mode will never be initiated.

Blowing up and getting angry, giving up, or gritting your teeth and going at it again all allow the survival mode to keep on going which is bad for the body.

Re-energizing is simply doing things that you really enjoy. As soon as you begin to experience stress, you lose sight of who you really are and what you enjoy doing. You begin to ignore your dreams and aspirations and put them aside.

You have been taught to ignore your feelings because the only thing that is important is being successful. Unfortunately, this system also teaches you to pay less and less attention to the child within you that does understand what you want. Along the way, creativity, originality, fun and individualism become lost. The child in you wants to crate new things, to play and laugh, climb mountains, sail around the world, give a big hug, splash in the puddle, explore the wilderness, fight the bad guys and win, find a Cinderella or Handsome Prince, collect pretty things , and let the wind blow your hair wherever it wants.

For most people the end point is feeling worthless and/or depressed. I would rather go to work than be depressed. I don't end up being guilty, frustrated or worthless. So "I want to go to work". Reality then is that "I want to go to work" not that I have to go to work.

Each of us already knows what the ideal "Big Picture" is for us. It is in our heart, we can feel it. So, taking your time to feel what is most important to you is important.. Your feelings are very close to the truth. Trust them. A good person is loving, honest, kind , courageous, gentle, industrious, financially independent, compassionate, giving and forgiving.

The result of being free from stress is that the body can operate in the efficiency mode as it was designed to do.

Prevention :

  • Exercise : 5 days 20-60 mins exercise.
  • Water : Liquid Gold. Drink water when you feel you're hungry
  • Low fat food.