
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Enjoying new job immensely. Fervently hope that can do the job to everyone's satisfaction, scared that I won't be able to. Anyway hope to try my very best.

Some good stuff from Emerson on Fate :

  • The Turk, Arab and Persian accepts the foreordained fate :

"On two days, it steads not to run from thy grave,

The appointed, and the unappointed day.

On the first, neither balm nor physician can save,

Nor thee, on the second, can the Universe slay."

  • Great men, great nations, have not been boasters or buffoons, but perceivers of the terror of life, and have manned themselves to face it.The Spartan, embodying his religion in his country, dies before its majesty without a question.
  • The bill of a bird, the skull of a snake, determines tyrannically its limits. So is the scale of races, temperaments, sex, climate and the reaction of talents imprisoning the vital power in certain directions.
  • Let him value his hands and feet, he has but one pair. So he has but one future, and that is already predetermined in his lobes and described in that little fatty face, pig-eye , and squat form. All the privilege and legislation in the world cannot help to make a poet or a prince of him.