
Sunday, July 22, 2007

Here is what I bought "The Night of the Generals" for :

  • "There's a sort of brotherhood which isn't dependent on the accident of blood relationship and has nothing in common with the herd instinct. I drink to the brotherhood of reasonable men"
  • "To train a man in blind obedience is tantamount to fostering stupidity. It has nothing to do with leadership. An attempt to inculcate culture and knowledge, on the other hand, presupposes culture and knowledge on the part of the teacher. Building up an army must be a mental process. If you are training a soldier to preserve peace you must train him to be a human being"
  • "A general knows that in war-time he must be prepared to take this hardest of decisions unflinchingly. That being so, he has no choice but to approach his task with profound humility. He must be fully aware of his special relationship to the highest price a human being can pay"
Also thought of "Letters from Iwo Jima" when reading this. Helpless to think of jawans under control of ruthless stupid men. How do these ever become generals? Are we a stupid race overall to allow the worst of men to be our leaders? Why is stupidity and cruelty so pervasive?
Salivating over BAC and C. Why didn't I buy LYO after reading the round table ?! Lost a good opportunity. Another decent one seems KAMN. Went to jazzercise today.