
Sunday, July 08, 2007

Inner Game of Tennis quotes

Federer definitely has the Inner Game but Nadal should have won today, he was the better player to watch.

Quotes from the Inner Game of Tennis

  • Conscious trying often produces negative results.
  • The best players know that their peak performance never comes when they're thinking about it.
  • "Getting it together" requires slowing the mind. Quieting the mind means less thinking, calculating, judging,worrying, fearing, trying, regretting or hoping. One should try and increase the frequency of quieting the mind.
  • When we unlearn how to be judgemental, it is possible to achieve spontaneous, concentrated play.
  • But who said that Iam to be measured by how well I do things? In fact, who said that I should be measured at all? Who indeed? The value of a human being cannot be measured by performance.
  • As long as Self 1 (the conscious self- teller) is ignorant of the true capabilties of Self2(doer), he is likely to mistrust it. This causes him to try too hard, self-condemn and be judgemental. Trust yourself instead.
  • Relaxation produces smooth strokes and results from accepting your strokes even if they are erratic
  • Perhaps a better way to describe a player who is "unconscious" is by saying that his mind is so concentrated, so focused, that it is still.