
Saturday, March 31, 2018

When in hot/aroused state, just defer important decisions. I will get back to you later.

Ego depletion: When we are continually exerting self-control, our ability to resist temptation weakens . This suggests, that when one has tasks requiring self-control, better to do them in the morning rather than late in the day

Intra-empathy Mismatch

Empathy between cognitive and emotional states in the same person is missing. We don't understand in our cold state how we will behave in an aroused state.

When in hot/aroused state, just defer important decisions. I will get back to you later.

Week 5 : Self-control
Main theme is : Now vs Later
Present focus bias: The tendency to give more weight to our current environment or state.
Current focus is very strong
What's good now versus what's good in the future
Eating healthy, exercising sounds great in the future but problem is we never get to that future

Reward substitution: using an alternate reward that is immediate, and therefore more motivating.

Why climate change maximizes human apathy:
far in the future, affects others first, we do not see its progression, we don't see a particular person suffering, individual efforts to mitigate are a drop in the bucket

Reward substitution to solve the problem ?   cool factor, rewards point, convenience, tax/punish
Prius: external signal to show how wonderful we are, social rewards like an ego boost.

Reward substitution can get us to act like we care about the world when we really care about our image.

Emotions can overtake cognition.
Hungry, afraid, tired, aroused : effect of arousal : change in sexual preferences, willingness to take risks, willingness to act immorally

Predictions about behavior in "hot" states are largely off mark. changes human beings.
we look differently at risk, immorality,

Make better decisions when in cold states. to prevent screw ups in hot states.