
Sunday, March 25, 2018

This is how to increase your attention span:
  • Stop multitasking: You wouldn't try to lift 5000 pounds. Your body can't do that. Don't try to do your best work while checking email, texting, and posting to Instagram. Your brain can't do that.
  • Exercise: You know it's good for your body. Guess what? Your brain's part of your body. (Shocking, I know.)
  • Meditate: Simply put, meditation is attention training.
  • Call your mother nature: Looking at a picture of a tree is like a deep tissue massage for your brain.
  • Reduce interference: Remove anything from your environment that might distract you. Batch email and social media. Extend the time between breaks to build your attention muscles.
Having your phone out doesn't just distract you from work -- it also reduces empathy and harms your relationships.