
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

From "How to get a private school education in a public school :

Rebecca said. She learned how to make friends because her Army Family relocated so often. She picked out a few kids she wanted to get to know, each of whom seem to act like her, even look like her. Within a week, it started, nations with each of them: About a classmate, classroom activity, teacher, homework. In all her early interactions, plead what the other kids wanted to play, talked about what they wanted to talk about, knowing that was a time later for the other kids to accommodate her. Within a month, rebecca had a network of friends. Perhaps more important than what Rebecca did what she didn't do: Teasing, being too sensitive two teasing, acting aloof, appearing too anxious to make friends, resizing others, into serious, giggly, showing off, acting silly,. Oh weird, dressing unconventionally or otherwise straining to get attention.

The three question chat: What's the problem? What should we do about it? How will we know it's getting better?

If you could get rid of one subject what would it be? Why?

You may want to consider just living with the problem because you incur costs every time you contact the teacher about a problem. each contact can move you down the scale from interested parent to pushy parent to hell with her parent. Each time you ask the teacher to give your child an extra, you use one up, don't waste an extra on something unimportant.

If your child has a choice, he should sit in a power seat. Everyone knows that it's easier to pay attention in the front seat, but teachers tend to focus on the seeds that are about 25% of the way back and slightly to one side of Center these power seats are the places to be power seats are also great if your child needs help paying attention. it's hard to Chat,doodle, were the teacher's eyes beaming. Teachers appreciate the child who says thank you for helping me. teachers need lots of support because they're never sure how well they're doing . if you let her teacher know you're on his side he will appreciate and remember you

When problem children are unavoidable, it's probably best if you are mildly cordial, friendly not to arouse anger but not so friendly so as to think they're your best friend.

Bullies have told us that humor can offer Define best, especially the target makes himself the butt