
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

From "How to get a private school education in a public school :

Rebecca said. She learned how to make friends because her Army Family relocated so often. She picked out a few kids she wanted to get to know, each of whom seem to act like her, even look like her. Within a week, it started, nations with each of them: About a classmate, classroom activity, teacher, homework. In all her early interactions, plead what the other kids wanted to play, talked about what they wanted to talk about, knowing that was a time later for the other kids to accommodate her. Within a month, rebecca had a network of friends. Perhaps more important than what Rebecca did what she didn't do: Teasing, being too sensitive two teasing, acting aloof, appearing too anxious to make friends, resizing others, into serious, giggly, showing off, acting silly,. Oh weird, dressing unconventionally or otherwise straining to get attention.

The three question chat: What's the problem? What should we do about it? How will we know it's getting better?

If you could get rid of one subject what would it be? Why?

You may want to consider just living with the problem because you incur costs every time you contact the teacher about a problem. each contact can move you down the scale from interested parent to pushy parent to hell with her parent. Each time you ask the teacher to give your child an extra, you use one up, don't waste an extra on something unimportant.

If your child has a choice, he should sit in a power seat. Everyone knows that it's easier to pay attention in the front seat, but teachers tend to focus on the seeds that are about 25% of the way back and slightly to one side of Center these power seats are the places to be power seats are also great if your child needs help paying attention. it's hard to Chat,doodle, were the teacher's eyes beaming. Teachers appreciate the child who says thank you for helping me. teachers need lots of support because they're never sure how well they're doing . if you let her teacher know you're on his side he will appreciate and remember you

When problem children are unavoidable, it's probably best if you are mildly cordial, friendly not to arouse anger but not so friendly so as to think they're your best friend.

Bullies have told us that humor can offer Define best, especially the target makes himself the butt

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Basic investing checklist

Basic investing checklist

1)  Activate System 2 thinking ?  Have you read a company's latest annual report and latest quarterly reports and the annual reports of competitors?

2) How is the income, cash flow compared to debt. Is Debt < 3-4 times cash flow/income? Debt not more than 3-4 times normal income.

3) Debt/pensions and liabilities comparable to cash at hand ?

3) EV/FCF 9-10

4) No more than 7% of portfolio.

5)  Will the company be around in 20 years? Demographics (internet threat, more energy needs - profitable without subsidies. Baby boomers retiring, special living facilities, diagnostics and treatments.)
6) What is the short interest?

7) Is it good for the consumer or are there better substitutes ?

8) What is the ROIC/gross/net compared to competitors?
Best time from Eric Barker's blog

Here’s the best time to get stuff done:
  • Think-y stuff in the morning: If you’re reading this at midnight, you’re breaking my heart.
  • Afternoons are sluggish — but insightful: Creativity peaks when you aren’t thinking straight.
  • Night owl? Strike that — reverse it: I wrote this post during the evening, but don’t worry — I’m a night owl. Hoot. Hoot.
  • The two types of breaks: Vigilance breaks are when you take a step back and review your checklist before an important moment. Restorative breaks are when you relax to recharge your dwindling batteries.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Fave bits from Adam Grant's "Originals"


  • How to maximize your odds of creating a masterpiece? The answer is to come up with a large number of ideas original simply produced a greater volume of work which gave them more variation and a higher chance of origin already.Most eminent creators like Shakespeare Mozart Beethoven they created a lot of work but considered unremarkable by experts.
You got to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince. in fact frog kissing was one of his mantras he encouraged his engineers to try out many variations to increase the chances of stumbling on the right one.

  • The best way to get better at judging your ideas is to gather feedback. Put a lot of ideas out there and see which ones are praised and adopted.
That is one group of forecasters that doesn't come close to attaining mastery- fellow creators evaluating one another's ideas. Most accurate predictor of whether a video would get like shared what peers evaluating one another instead of attempting to access our own originality.

  • The evidence helps to explain why many performers enjoy the approval of audiences but covet the adoration of the peers.
  • Comedians often say that the highest badge of honor is to make a fellow comics laugh.
  • But Berks research suggests that we are also drawn to Peer evaluations because they provide the most reliable judgments.
Just spending six minutes developing original ideas made them more open to novelty improving their ability to see potential in something unusual.
If we want to increase the odds of betting on the best original ideas we have to generate our own ideas immediately before we screen other suggestions. It's best to be a creator in the domain you're judging.

Our intuitions are only accurate in domains where we have a lot of experience and when you spend your studying handbags intuition can beat analysis because your unconscious mind excels at pattern recognition.

  • If you stop and take the time to think it's easy to lose the forest for the trees. And dealing with unfamiliar products you need to take a step back and assess them.
He excelled at creating brilliant solutions to problems identified by others, not in finding the right problems to solve.

Every project should begin with the right question
You saw how meticulous Jerry was at his work. That's the passion you're looking for.
Power involves exercising control over others; status is being respected and admired
One power hold of you learned of the peers look down on them, they retaliated by setting up some humility toward humiliating tasks. Exercising power without status elicited increasingly negative reaction.

Status cannot be claimed it has to be earned all granted the way to come to power is not on always community challenge the establishment but first make a place in that and then challenge and doublecross the establishment. As Medina gain respect for these efforts she accumulated idiosyncrasy credits And I latitude to deviate from the groups expectations idiosyncrasy credits a coop respect not rank the beast and contributions professors have higher status if they have beards.
When people present a dropbox or disadvantages I would become an ally. And so sending me they've given me a problem to solve. Babu selling itself to Disney top out next line
The court challenge of speaking up with an original idea is that it's a tune that only you hear in your head you wrote the song it's like typing out a well-known know she rhyme when no one else can hear it.

Eminent psychologist Robert called the The exposure effect: the more often we encounter something the more we like it. Whether you're unhappy with your job marriage you have a choice between exit Weiss existence I neglect

1 Accepting responsibility for the consequences of your actions
2  establishing a relationship with parents as an equal adult
3 being financially independent from parents
4 deciding on beliefs and values independently of parents and other influences

The cultivation of a willingness to defy or just plain old disappoint one's parents, that is the absolute precondition for intellectual and emotional freedom.

Favorite bits from Barking up the wrong tree

  • Many people aren't sure what their strengths are. Drucker offers a helpful definition: What are you good at that consistently produces desired results? 

  • Research by Gallup shows that the more hours per day you spend doing what you're good at, the less stressed you feel and the more you laugh, smile, and feel you're being treated with respect. 

  • Without an existing passion and being so eager to please, valedictorians often head in the wrong direction when they are finally free to choose. 

  • If someone is too nice, people figure they must be less competent. In fact being a jerk makes other see you as more powerful. Feeling powerless actually makes you dumber. 

  • Managing what your boss thinks of you is far more important than actual hard work. 

  • Why do jerks succeed? they're assertive about what they want, and they're not afraid to let others know about what they've achieved. 

  • Always worrying about being cheated or killed makes transactions too costly, preventing efficient dealings. You need rules and cooperation, and that means trust. 
  • Economists  call it the "discipline of continuous dealings". When you know what trust someone, it makes the transaction smoother and faster. The longer the time the anticipated we be dealing with someone, better the behavior we can expect. 

  • Never betray anyone initially. But if a person cheats you, don't be a martyr. 

  • The people who surround us, often determine who we become. Studies show that your boss has a much larger effect on your happiness and success then the company at large. 

  • When people do too much and don't ever push back they get taken for granted. A mere two hours a week of helping others is enough to get maximum benefits, no need for guilt and no excuse for saying you don't have time to help others. 

  • So what's a good balance? Every Friday send your boss an email summarizing your accomplishments for the week. 

  • So to the best of your ability, make things longer term. Build more steps into the contract. The more things seem like a one-off, the more incentive people have to pull one over you. 

  • Research shows that even a feeling of control kills stress. Even when you just feel you have control, stress plummets. 

  • What's a system that will work when you're trying to turn dreams into reality? How do you know what to quit and what to stick with? One researcher came up with a shockingly easy system. It's called woop. 

  • Not only the dreaming not bring you your desires; dreaming actually hurts your chances of getting what you want. It turns out that your brain isn't very good at telling fantasy from reality. When you dream, that gray matter feels you already have what you want and so it doesn't marshall the resources you need to motivate yourself and achieve. Instead, it relaxes. And you do less, accomplish less, and those dreams stay mere dreams. Are you dreaming about how svelte you'll look in that swimsuit after the diet? Women who did that just lost 24 lb fewer than those who didn't. Fantasizing about getting that perfect job? Those who dwelled on it on it sent Fewer applications and ended up getting fewer offers. 

  • If dreaming is so bad, why do we do it? Because it's the mental equivalent of getting drunk: It feels really good right now but doesn't lead to good things later. Fantasizing gives the reward before we've accomplished the task and sap's the energy we need to realize it.

  • To balance grit and quit use woop : Wish, outcome, obstacle, plan. 
The cool thing is that this process doesn't sap your drive the way just fantasizing does.. But there's an even bigger and benefit to whoop one thats key when you're thinking about Grit and quit. It's like a personal litmus test for feasibility. when your goal is unrealistic you will find yourself less energized and you know it 

  • That's what you need: A plan. Most of us don't take the time. We are reactive, like the tribes of the steppes. 
  • You need a plan, or you're always going to feel like you're not doing enough. We have so many options these days, that we end up being Pickers, not choosers. 

  • Being reactive doesn't just hurt your chances of getting what you want; it also reduces your chances of real happiness. Research shows we often don't choose to do what really makes us happy; we choose what's easy. e.g. TV

  • Without a plan, we do whats passive and easy- not what is really fulfilling. The most effective method for reducing stress was having a plan. When we think about obstacles ahead of time and consider how to overcome them, we feel in control.. That's the secret to really getting things done. 
  • A feeling of control motivates us to act. When we think we can make a difference, we're more likely to engage. Things aren't as scary when we have our hands on the wheel. 

  • The most interesting part - is that it is not actually being in control that causes All these changes, it's just the feeling of control. 

  • When you're stressed out, you literally can't think straight.

Checklist Manifesto notes

1 Accepting responsibility for the consequences of your actions
2  establishing a relationship with parents as an equal adult
3 being financially independent from parents
4 deciding on beliefs and values independently of parents and other influences

The cultivation of a willingness to defy or just plain old disappoint one's parents, that is the absolute precondition for intellectual and emotional freedom.

There are good checklists and bad, bad check list are vague and imprecise. They're too long they're hard to use; they are impractical. They turn people's brains off rather than on.
 good checklist on the other hand are precise. Theyre efficient, to the point and easy to use evenin difficyllt  situation.  they dont try to spell out everything instead they provide reminders of only the most critical and important steps.

When you're making a checklist, you must Define a clear pause point which the checklist is supposed to be used.

 you must decide whether you want or do-conFirm checklist or a do-read Checklist. with a do-confirm checklist he said team members perform their jobs from memory and experience, but then they stop. they pause to run the checklist and confirm that everything that was supposed to be done was done. with a read-do checklist on the other hand people carry out the tasks as they check them off it's more like a recipe.
 so for any new checklist you have to pick the type that makes the most sense for the situation. the checklist cannot be lengthy. A rule of thumb some use is to keep it between 5 and 9 items which is the limit of working memory.

You want to keep the list short by focusing on what he called the killer items - the steps that are the most dangerous to skip and sometimes overlooked.
the wording should be simple and exact and use the familiar language of the profession. Even the look of the checklist matters ideally it should fit on one page. It should be free of clutter and unnecessary colors.

Instead they chose to accept their fallibilities - The Simplicity and power of using a checklist. Indeed against the complexity of the wood we must - there is no other choice. When we look closely, we recognize the same balls being dropped over and over, even by those of great ability and determination. We know the patterns, we see the costs. Its Time to try something else. Try a Checklist