
Thursday, June 09, 2011

Q : Could you tell us a little bit about your typical workday ? How do you manage your time so you get to play Halo 2 or whatever ?

A : Gates : Well, I don't get much to play Halo 2. I spend some time playing with new technologies, new PCs, softwares, which is why I think my job is the best. Iam in meetings a lot. My calendar gets very full with those. Then at night after the kids are gone to sleep, Iam on email a great deal then over the weekend Iam on mail a lot as well. I take two weeks a year to just go off and read and think, where Iam not interrupted by work or anything else, solidly trying to think about the future, people get to send me things to read as part of that think week. So its a nice mix of things.

A Buffett : Iam on think week about 50 weeks a year, I work about 2. You'd be surprised at my days, I mean they're very unstructured, no meetings, none. I mean, I don't like meetings. I read a lot. I wish I were a faster reader, you know I'd get a lot more done. but I do read a lot, and Iam on the phone a moderate amount. Our businesses basically run themselves, my job is allocating capital , and that's what Iam thinking about, but I don't like to have things packed you know, hour to hour to hour. And Bill and I are both extraordinarily lucky, we really get to do what we like to do the way we want to it, with people we choose to be around and that are terrific. We're very fortunate, and in his work he has a different kind of pace than I have,  but we both love it the way we do it and my guess is we're each most productive in that particular mode too, cause it fits our personalities and aptitudes.