
Thursday, June 02, 2011

Persistence. Keep doing, find what you love to do, something should click. To keep trying is key.

I feel like I wish I could have started out earlier, but I think what happened before was inevitable for me to get to where Iam now -  Wanting to explore and having the means to be able to do so. Also in terms on temperament, to go through disillusionment is invaluable in realizing what makes one truly happy.

Most people go through life using up a very very small percentage of their potential. I would follow my passion -  whatever turns you on. You don't want to take a job just for the money, you don't want to take a job in an organization that you don't feel good about or work with people you don't feel good about. You really want to be excited when you get out of bed every morning. And it won't necessarily be the job that you'll have 10 years later but you'll be learning so much as you go along. When I joined Ben Graham, I never asked about the salary, I just found out when I got my first paycheck because I just knew it was the right thing for me to be doing.