
Friday, March 31, 2006

I completed Siegel's book so no more tidbits from there. 

Some other interesting quotes I read in Warren Buffett Speaks. -

Everybody engaged in complicated work needs colleagues. Just the discipline of having to put your thoughts in order with somebody else is a very useful thing. -

Munger has mastered short answers. "Charlie is not paid by the word" explains Buffett. -

Retirement plans? About 5-10 years after I die. -I feel like tap-dancing all the time. We tap-dance to work. -Any string of impressive figures multiplied by a single zero is still a zero. -

With enough insider information and a million dollars you can go broke in a year. -

That which is not worth doing is not worth doing well. -

I went to Dale Carnegie not to prevent my knees from knocking when public speakig but to do public speaking while my knees were knocking. -

Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No.2 : Never forget Rule No. 1 -

-I has been helpful to me to have tens of thousands (of students) turned out of business schools taught that it didn't do any good to think (EMT) -Its only when the tide goes out that you learn who's been swimming naked. -Forecasts usually tell us more of the forecaster than of the future. -

When you combine ignorance and borrowed money, the consequences can get interesting. -do a lot of reading. I read annual reports pf the company Iam looking at and of competitors, that is the main source of material. -

I'd rather have a $10 million business making 15 percent than a $100 million dollar business making 5 percent. -Don't take the performance of your stock personally, after all : A stock doesn't know you own it. -Never buy an airline stock.