
Friday, April 10, 2015

My fave bits from Guy Spier's book "The Education of a Value Investor" :

GLIDE recognises that "everyone has a potential no matter what their circumstances. This is a proven process that a combination of love and time and energy and resources can produce a different human being."

Warren had structured his environment to enhance his ability to make rational decisions. It contained very little that could clutter his mind. He had only two chairs and no space for large meetings.

Warren's desk was so small that there was no room for piles, An inbox and outbox Lay on top of his desk, along with the box labeled "too hard" – a visual reminder that he should wait patiently until the perfect opportunity arrives.

There was no Bloomberg terminal in Buffets office.

Warren told us that he has a place in his office when he can nap too.

Virtually all my investments are in companies where the long term outcome is all about inexorable: the company is heading in that positive direction, and it's really just a question of how long it takes. Buffets holdings clearly possess the same precious characteristic. Indeed, he uses the word inevitable to describe the positive outcome that he ultimately expects.

Gather investment research in the right order. The first idea to and to the human brain tends to be the one that sticks.  Look for disconfirming evidence.

I need to be extremely careful about the order in which I gather research and explore investment ideas.this might not seem important to many investors, but the order in which I read the materials matters greatly since whatever I take in first affects me unduly.
My routine is to start with the least biased I'm most objective sources. These are typically the companies public filings, including the annual report 10K, 10Q and proxy statement.

The Tupperware misadventure taught me an invaluable lesson: I want to invest only in companies that are a win-win for the entire ecosystem. What's important is the idea that a great company makes tons of money while Adding real value for its customers.

Greeces national lottery firm has a license to print money. But it preys on people's weaknesses. I prefer to invest in businesses that benefit society.