
Friday, February 06, 2015

 My fave ones from Seth Klarman's CNBC article on Buffett 
1. Value investing works. Buy bargains.
2. Quality matters, in businesses and in people. Better quality businesses are more likely to grow and compound cash flow; low quality businesses often erode and even superior managers, who are difficult to identify, attract, and retain, may not be enough to save them. Always partner with highly capable managers whose interests are aligned with yours.
4. Consistency and patience are crucial. Most investors are their own worst enemies. Endurance enables compounding.
5. Risk is not the same as volatility; risk results from overpaying or overestimating a company's prospects. Prices fluctuate more than value; price volatility can drive opportunity. Sacrifice some upside as necessary to protect on the downside.
6. Unprecedented events occur with some regularity, so be prepared.
7. You can make some investment mistakes and still thrive.
8. Holding cash in the absence of opportunity makes sense.
10. Candour is essential. It's important to acknowledge mistakes, act decisively, and learn from them. Good writing clarifies your own thinking and that of your fellow shareholders.
12. Do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life.