
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Labor and childbirth

Some notes I have made from various books to help me during labor : (natural hospital birth)

1) Avoid interventions. This is important since these interventions themselves lead down the path toward a cesearan section

2) Pitocin can cause abnormally painful contractions. Because it is administered intravenously, it requires a woman to lie in bed. Fetal monitoring is also required.

3) If pitocin does not speed things up, caregivers often recommend breaking the bag of waters. This too causes labor to feel more painful. It also puts a woman on a clock.

4) The combination of extra-painful contractions and lost mobility can quickly lead a woman to request an epidural. An epidural plus loss of mobility can slow labor. Epidurals often cause fever, and the woman ends up unnecessarily with a c-section.

5) also all these has the psychological effect on the woman that other people are in charge of her labor. If you remain active and mobile, you may have a long, exhausting labor, but you will remain in charge and not end upo with a c-section from an epidural induced fever.

6) CPD : Get 2nd, 3rd, 4th opinion. This is very rare that a baby's head is too big for pelvis. Mostly wrong diagnosis. Baby being too large is a common fallacy in twenty first century obstetrics. Never too large

7) Squatting provides 10% more space for baby's head than semi-reclining.

8) Dont use pitocin!!!!!! Natural induction is better - walking, herbs, spicy food

9) Onset of early labor - mild menstrual cramps.
   Early labor : 0-3 cm. strong menstrual cramps. Pain may last as little as ten seconds or as long as a minute. The amount of time between cramps is 5-15 minutes. You are still able to walk, maywant to rock or sway. Still capable of rational thought. Stay in the moment. Ask your support team to help you stay in the present. Just deal with the contraction you are in, not the next one or the one after,
  Give your mind something to focus on besides the pain. Watch a movie or cook or something. A contraction will bring your your focus back to body, then resume your activity.
Active labor : At some point, you will no longer be able to focus on anything besides labor.