
Thursday, November 10, 2011

I had an epiphany on my hour long walk at sunrise today. By focusing on negative comments others make, I actually diminish my own potential. I need to just focus on improving myself and my skills in the direction of my interests. Even if others don't approve, that shouldn't distract me beyond considering if their comments appeal to my rationality and frame of mind at the moment. If their comments don't appeal, I should discard them like water off a duck and push forward on my own agenda. A good method to avoid thinking too much about someones judgemental or negative comments is to also repeat one's favorite mantra silently, a form of meditation. When I do this, life suddenly seems to alive and full of promise. Extraneous thoughts and worries fall away. The meditation blanks my mind and I know what is the best action for me to take next.
Even if others comments are indeed justified, I think it is important to arrive at their conclusions independently,  I should make my own mistakes and live me own life even if its not optimal.

I should just be focusing on thoughts and actions that somehow move me forward, towards my goals and to achieving what I can truly achieve. Iam think joining toastmasters would be good too.

To truly discover love, one has to stop judging our parents and spouse. Also others. - A quote by Sri Bhagwan (not sure who he is but came across this quote by him). By judging or thinking too much about any comments any of them may have made, I lose focus from my goals. That should be the ultimate aim, to distract oneself as little as possible from achieving.