
Monday, September 26, 2011

I had been wishing recently that I was a bit more gracious and generous spirited,especially to those at a disadvantage or who are somehow in inferior circumstances. I have begun to suspect that it is more due to my current lack of activity and my mind not being really engaged that is causing me to be unhappy and less than gracious. Again, I and I alone am responsible for my own downfall. I need to start doing more,procrastinating less, using my brain to learn skills in this off period so that Iam a happier and nicer person.

 I also found an interesting blog entry on being gracious at Alternative Mom. Excerpt from it :

Over the last few weekends, I have had many situations that challenge my personal graciousness.

4) My inlaws and family came for a visit and I had to severely compromise my time, routine and discipline with my baby. I was gracious to a certain point where I felt that I needed to sort out my thoughts. I had to get out of the situation (hid in the room and cried my heart out) and then stepped in with grace to handle the Angel. It wasn’t anyone’s fault in general but I learn that graciousness can only come when it is within a person’s limits to handle. When I’m only given the Angel at times of need, I felt my role as a mother severely compromised and challenged. I did not have enough graciousness to understand that it would be only a passing period but then again, I am having a hard time thereafter in picking up the pieces of a disarrayed child after everyone is gone.
A quick google brings up gracious as characterised by kindness, warm courtesy, tact and propriety; being pleasantly indulgent, especially towards an inferior, and only one definition includes generosity of spirit.
In my opinion, being gracious involves being flexible, listening, empathising and understanding. 
I remember once reading in a forum about a needy mother asking for baby products. The request for help turned into an accusation by donors and lengthy explanation from the mother. Again, where is the generosity of that spirit to give? Why so many judgements?
A speech by an ex-PM of Singapore : Mr Goh Chok Tong titled “Towards a Gracious Society”