
Thursday, May 19, 2011

If I had invested in the S&P last year, I would have come out ahead than I have with my own stock picking. At what point do I give it up and move everything into vanguard index funds ? Seems the wisest way forward at this point. I think it would be productive to  focus on the following in the next few months :

1) become a clearer thinker
2) focus better
3) become more articulate
4) have higher energy (lose excess weight)
5) security analysis study
6) reading news and periodicals/analysis
7) Spend time on reading about new technology trends and research.

Is wisdom and humility enough to really succeed in investing ? How to find what one's passion is ?This much I know that what makes me happiest is loving my close ones, meeting new people, reading and trying to build wealth, how does that guide me to my calling and vocation ? It is certainly a big relief to be out of the soul-killing workplace. It is a drain on the mind and soul to be constantly judged, to have to live up to someone else's expectations and have to put up with people one would not rather not associate with. Also to spend one's energies on ridiculous meetings and activities that are setup only to feel busy and important. Iam lucky to be able to afford to take a year or two off.  I may have to go back to it one day, but I am savoring not having to deal with it for the next year atleast. Thank you god for my wonderful better half and parents who support me so completely in my decision to quit and try finding what I truly am meant to do. I truly believe one has to come to a full stop to figure it out. Let the mind be idle, relax and wait for an epiphany. Will it happen? We shall see.