
Friday, October 12, 2007

Confucius quotes

  • "The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home."
  • "The superior man is distressed by the limitations of his ability; he is not by the fact that men do not recognize the ability that he has."
  • "The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions."
  • "Never contract friendship with a man that is not better than thyself."
    "The wheel of fortune turns round incessantly, and who can say if I shall today be uppermost."
  • "To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it."
  • "It does not matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop."
  • "Instead of being concerned that you have no office, be concerned to think how you may fit yourself for office.
  • "To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is true knowledge."
  • "Five things constitute perfect virtue; gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness."
  • "The cautious seldom err."
  • "Silence is a true friend who never betrays."
  • "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it."
  • "Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."
  • "When anger rises, think of the consequences."
  • "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."
  • "The superior man, when resting in safety, does not forget that danger may come.