
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Have been in India for the past three weeks. Visited the Gandhi Memorial in Pune yesterday. Was very moved by the experience. How did the country go from such selfless idealism to today's corrupt leaders and eroded values? Think India's potential as an "emerging" super-power seems overstated. Think India needs a dictator like Singapore's Lee to bring about the requsite accountability and punishment that are sadly lacking today.

The Cricket World Cup was a source of a lot of excitement upon my arrival here. Now of course, India and Pakistan are out after surprising defeats to two of the weakest teams in the draw. Ofcourse this is not so surprising if these matches are assumed to have been fixed. The Bob Woolmer murder has added another depressing and Kafkaesque angle to the whole affair. As Mark Waugh, an Australian cricketer said "The fixing problems in most of the cricketing world have been solved, except for the sub-continent. Their players still push the envelope".

May sound ironic, but have never been more in love with the country than now. Every visit reinforces my gratitude for having the luck to be born in a family and country where could be free to pursue whatever I wanted.

Portfolio doing fantastic right now. Is up 20% YTD. Too chicken to sell, since hasn't reached target price yet. Hoping for COP to 72+, APC : 45+, WFMI : 55+