
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

"Be extremely skeptical, and stay with what you know. The great success stories in life are people who figure out what they know, stay with it, put their eggs in that basket and watch it very carefully. Don't listen to me or anybody else." - Jim Rogers

The stock market is the only place where customers will run away from a bargain. Someone once said that and it remains true. I did some buying this afternoon - nothing very big, but nevertheless, I'm putting money to work. I think that attention will blow over shortly. The market's concentration span is quite limited, so while it may be the key focus now, next week it won't be. In a few days we'll all be focused on something else.

Always Be An Early Seller
Don't worry about leaving some money on the table. As the saying goes on Wall Street - the only person who always buys at the bottom and sells at the top is a liar.