
Sunday, April 16, 2006

Discovered the Value Line Investment Survey newsletter in the library the other day. Turned out that UPL and GWR have current timeliness ratings of 2. Also was pleased to find BTU and EXP with timeliness rating of 1. Seemed a bit of a confirmation for picking these.

Am going to check these out in the future for new issues to investigate and buy.

In a little bit of a dilemma about UPL, wondering if should sell, P/E is 44 which seems a bit high.

Also got an email from Logan, was encouraging regarding investing so far but also advised against margin and options. Advised to stay put on longer term strategies and not quick money.
Also was encouraging about the fact that have started on this part-time and not full-time.

Tried to read "Random Walk on Wall Street". Didn't enjoy it at all and think it'll be a waste of time. Better to re-read my blog and accounting instead I think. Also re-reading Phil Fisher in more detail.