
Sunday, September 04, 2016

My fave bits from "How Children Succeed" by Paul Tough

-The reason the teenage
-The growth mindset : Dweck found that students who believed intelligence was malleable did much better than students who believed that intelligence was fixed.
-It seems that what Stefl was trying to convince her students that not just their intelligence and their character but their very destinies were malleable; that their past performance was not an indication of their future results.
-GPA was cumulative all through high school.
-High school grades reveal much more than mastery of content. They reveal qualities of motivation and perserverence - good study habits and time management skills
-The best predictor of college completion was a student's high school GPA.
-standardized test scores were predicted by scores on pure IQ tests and GPA was predicted by tests of self-control.
-grit - self discipline wedded to a dedicated pursuit of a goal.
-Flow - When a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult or worthwhile

-The incentive processing system makes you more sensation seeking, more emotionally reactive, more attentive to social information. The second is called a cognitive control system, allowing you to regulate all those urges. The reason the The teenage years have always been such a perilous time, is that the incentive processing system reaches its full power in early adoloescence, while the cognitive control system doesn't finish maturing until you're in your 20s. So far a few tennage years, we are all madly processing incentives without a corresponding control system to keep our behavior in check.

It's uncomfortable to focus so intensely on what you're bad at. The following day she would reconstruct the games on the practice boards, Analyzing exactly where a player had gone wrong, what he could've done differently, what might've happened if you had made the better move, and playing out these counterfactual scenarios for several moves before returning to the moment of error. You go over the mistakes you made, all the mistakes you keep making – are you trying to get to the bottom of why you made them. Spiegel tries to lead her students down a narrow and difficult path, to have them take responsibility for the mistakes and learn from them - NOT obsessing over them or beating themselves up for them. When one keeps making mistakes you have to find a way to separate yourself from your mistakes or your losses. I tried to teach my students that losing is something you do not something you are.

When I asked him what was so fun about a year of complete immersion in the chess, he replied it was mostly the feeling of being intellectually productive so much of the time. I feel like I'm not really challenging myself are pushing myself just kind of wasting my brain. I never feel like that when I'm playing or teaching chess. He devoted almost a year to the study of chess eliminating everything else from his life, no parties ,no Facebook, no ESPN , no unnecessary socializing - just hours and hours of chess.

Metacognition as many psychologist call it. -Takes place in the pre-frontal cortex. slowing down, examining impulses and considering more productive solutions to the problem then yelling or shoving.

Two seconds is not slow enough. Look if you make a mistake that's OK. But you do something without even thinking about it? That's not OK I'm very very upset to see such a careless and thoughtless game

The next stop to a successful outcome is creating a series of implementation intentions – specific plans in the form of if-then statements that link the obstacles with ways to overcome them - such as - "if I get distracted by TV after school then I will wait to watch TV until I finish my homework".
When you're making rules for yourself you're enisting the prefrontal car tax as your partner against the more reflexive appetite driven parts of your brain. By making yourself a rule, you can sidestep the painful internal conflict between your desire fried foods and you're welcome for determination to resist them . Rules provide structure preparing us for encounters with tempting stimuli and redirecting attention elsewhere. Before long the rules become as automatic as the appetites they are deflecting.

What private school offers parents about all else is a high probability of non-failure.

For both rich and poor teenagers, certain family characteristics predicted children's maladjustment, including low levels of maternal attachment, high levels of parental criticism, and minimal after school adult supervision. Amongst the affluent children, the main cause of distress was excessive achievement pressures and isolation from parents both physical and emotional.

Friday, July 01, 2016


BI: And which newspapers do you read on a regular basis?

TW: I have a tradition. I always start each day with reading the local paper of the town I wake up in. Then next one would be USA Today. That gets you a general feeling for the Zeitgeist. They package the news for the
entire population. From an investing standpoint it is relevant to understand what everybody is thinking. Then I generally move up to the New York Times, then the Wall Street Journal and then I end with the Financial Times. And actually I recently just started reading the Handelsblatt global edition.

Thursday, December 03, 2015

My favorite bits from "The power of NO" by James Altucher

-By year three you;ve put in 5000-7000 hours of work. That's good enough to be in the top 200-300 people in the world in anything. By year three you will know how to make money.

-What is "it" ? How do I know what I should do ? Whatever area you feel like reading 500 books about. Go to the bookstore or library and find it.

- how to recognize an Abusive person : they try to make you feel guilty, angry, afraid, wrong. They try to make themselves the victim, they turn others against you.
How do I feel about myself when Iam around this person? Do I feel good about myself?
If the answer is no, you know you need to move away from the person. The key is not to engage.

-Letting our thoughts go and being present without naming what is happening all the time gives us a rest and the opportunity to let something else in.

-Be aware that you are making a shift from panic (lots of thoughts) to abundance (fewer thoughts)

-With each thought that comes up, label it as useful or not useful. If I worry about how much money I will have in five years or did at a party last night, this is not useful. What is useful then? Functional things - I need to pack a lunch for the kids right now.

-Sometimes we need rest and proper boundaries. Sometimes we need to do less. When we forget that we have rhythms and cycles just like nature does, we force things, overwork, burn the candle at both ends, and make poor choices as a consequence of exhaustion.

Keeping your stress level down is very important, so here are five things we can think of to say no to so that you can have centered and relaxed days:
 1 Say no to anything that gets in the way of your daily practices, no matter how IMPORTANT it pretends to be.
2 Say no to anything that prevents you from sitting in silence for some time, every day.
4 Do not talk to people who you know do not respect you or who put you down.

- I slide into depression if I forget my daily practice
I started to exercise everyday. I started to eat better. One item for breakfast. A healthy lunch. Tiny dinner. No snacks.
I started to sleep nine hours a night.
I broke off all ties with anyone it felt bad to be around.
I wrote down ideas very day for articles I should write and businesses I could start.
I had to surrender to the fact that I couldn't control everything. But I could be prepared.

-Try this today:
 Write down ten ideas for your job that you think will add above and beyond value.
 Write down the ten next steps for those ideas.

-In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Arjun that he needs to fight. He is saying that to reach your own divinity, you have to learn to say no and stand up for what is right for you in this moment.You need to learn who you are.

-Rule #1 : Do not do anything you don't want to do.
When you agree to do something you don't want to do, you will resent the person who asked you to do it. You will grow to hate the activity. it will drip like a burning candle into your heart until you're burning with hate for yourself.

-Say no to extra, unnecessary words. Don't say "yeah" in the middle of someone talking. Count to two before responding.
-Complaining is a no!
-If someone is trying to steal our energy, then of course we speak up and do what we can to stop it. We stand up for ourselves.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Decision making under uncertainty

From Seth Klarman's Margin of Safety:

Some investors insist on trying to obtain perfect knowledge about their impending investments, researching companies until they think they know everything there is to know about them. They study the industry and the competition, contact former employees, industry consultants and analysts and become personally acquainted with top management. They analyze financial statements for the past decade and stock price trends for even longer. This diligence is admirable, but it has two shortcomings. First, no matter how much research is performed some information always remains elusive; investors have to learn to live with less than complete information. Second, even if an investor could know all the facts about an investment, he or she would not necessarily profit.
"Moreover, business information is highly perishable. Economic conditions change, industries are transformed, and business results are volatile. The effort to acquire current, let alone complete, information is never ending. Meanwhile, other market participants are also gathering and updating information, thereby diminishing any investor's informational advantage.
"Most investors strive fruitlessly for certainty and precision, avoiding situations in which information is difficult to obtain. Yet by the time high uncertainty is resolved, prices are likely to have risen. Investors frequently benefit from making investment decisions with less-than-perfect knowledge and are well rewarded for bearing the risk of uncertainty. The time other investors spend delving into the last unanswered detail may cost them the chance to buy in at prices so low that they offer a margin of safety despite the incomplete information. (Low prices compensate for uncertainty.)"

Friday, June 19, 2015

“Yet it would be your duty to bear it, if you could not avoid it: it is weak and silly to say you cannot bear what it is your fate to be required to bear.”  Jane Eyre (charlotte bronte)

“What's meant to be will always find a way”  Trisha Yearwood

Friday, May 22, 2015

Great WB Quotes

It must be noted that your chair man, always a quick study, required only 20 years to recognize how important it was to buy good businesses. In the interim, I searched for bargains and had the misfortune to find some. My punishment was an education in the economics of short-line farm equipment, third place department stores, and New England textile manufacturers.

Experience, however indicates that the best business returns are usually achieved by companies that are doing something quite similar today to what they were doing 5 or 10 years ago.But a business that constantly encounters major change also encounters many chances for major error.

To the extent we have been successful, it is because we concentrated on identifying one foot hurdles that we could step over rather than because we acquired any ability to clear seven footers. The finding may seem unfair, but in both business and investments it is usually far more profitable to simply stick with the easy and obvious than it is to resolve the difficult.

What counts for most people in investing is not how much they know,  but rather how realistically they define what they don't know. An investor needs to do very few things right as long as he or she avoids big mistakes.

Every day, in countless ways, the competitive position of each of our businesses grows  either weaker or stronger. If we are delighting customers, eliminating unnecessary costs and  improving our products and services, we gain strength. But if we treat customers with indifference or tolerate bloat, our businesses will wither. On a daily basis effects of our actions are imperceptible; cumulatively though there are consequences that are enormous.

If the choice is between a questionable business at a comfortable price or a comfortable business at questionable price, we much prefer the latter.  What really gets our attention, however, is a comfortable business at a comfortable price.

Home ownership is a wonderful thing. My family and I have enjoyed my present home for 50 years, with more to come. But enjoyment and utility should be the primary motivation for purchase, not profit or refi possibilities. And the home purchased ought to fit the income of the purchaser.

Friday, April 10, 2015

...Someone I used to work for once told me that the trick to Bay Area real estate is just to buy and then be prepared to hold -- eventually you won't be wrong. But if you wait, you run real risk of the market running away from you.
My fave bits from Guy Spier's book "The Education of a Value Investor" :

GLIDE recognises that "everyone has a potential no matter what their circumstances. This is a proven process that a combination of love and time and energy and resources can produce a different human being."

Warren had structured his environment to enhance his ability to make rational decisions. It contained very little that could clutter his mind. He had only two chairs and no space for large meetings.

Warren's desk was so small that there was no room for piles, An inbox and outbox Lay on top of his desk, along with the box labeled "too hard" – a visual reminder that he should wait patiently until the perfect opportunity arrives.

There was no Bloomberg terminal in Buffets office.

Warren told us that he has a place in his office when he can nap too.

Virtually all my investments are in companies where the long term outcome is all about inexorable: the company is heading in that positive direction, and it's really just a question of how long it takes. Buffets holdings clearly possess the same precious characteristic. Indeed, he uses the word inevitable to describe the positive outcome that he ultimately expects.

Gather investment research in the right order. The first idea to and to the human brain tends to be the one that sticks.  Look for disconfirming evidence.

I need to be extremely careful about the order in which I gather research and explore investment ideas.this might not seem important to many investors, but the order in which I read the materials matters greatly since whatever I take in first affects me unduly.
My routine is to start with the least biased I'm most objective sources. These are typically the companies public filings, including the annual report 10K, 10Q and proxy statement.

The Tupperware misadventure taught me an invaluable lesson: I want to invest only in companies that are a win-win for the entire ecosystem. What's important is the idea that a great company makes tons of money while Adding real value for its customers.

Greeces national lottery firm has a license to print money. But it preys on people's weaknesses. I prefer to invest in businesses that benefit society.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Burry notes and quotes

-Michael Burry would screen the market looking specifically at the enterprise value/EBITDA ratio (investing based on the EV/EBITDA ratio has been shown to outperform other valuation metrics over time).

-“I’ll then look harder to determine a more specific price and value for the company. When I do this I take into account off-balance sheet items and true free cash flow. I tend to ignore price-earnings ratios. Return on equity is deceptive and dangerous. I prefer minimal debt, and am careful to adjust book value to a realistic number.”

-Minimal debt, a low P/B ratio (adjusted to reflect realistic asset values), strong free cash flow and low EV/EBITDA ratio were the four traits Michael Burry looked for in an investment.

-Secondly, Michael Burry looked for what he called ‘rare birds’, or asset plays in other words.

-Thirdly, Burry looked for value in the type of company favored by Buffett. (Those with a sustainable competitive advantage as demonstrated by longstanding and stable high returns on invested capital, although only at a reasonable price.)

Avant! had $100 million in cash in the bank, was still generating $100 million year of free cash flow — and had a market value of only $250 million!

Michael Burry started digging; He was able to see that even if the executives went to jail (as they did) and the fines were paid (as they were), Avant would be worth a lot more than the market assumed…Burry bought his first shares of Avant! in June 2001 at $12 per share…Mike Burry kept on buying it — all the way down to $2 a share…Four months later Avant! got taken over for $22 a share. ‘That was a classic Mike Burry trades,’ says one of his investors. ‘It goes up by ten times but first it goes down by half.'”

“As for when to buy, I mix some barebones technical analysis into my strategy…Nothing fancy. But I prefer to buy within 10% to 15% of a 52-week low that has shown itself to offer some price support. That’s the contrarian part of me. And if a stock — other than the rare birds discussed above — breaks to a new low, in most cases I cut the loss…”

Michael Burry’s portfolio management was developed through trial and error:

“I like to hold 12 to 18 stocks diversified among various depressed industries, and tend to be fully invested. This number seems to provide enough room for my best ideas while smoothing out volatility, not that I feel volatility in any way is related to risk. But you see, I have this heartburn problem and don’t need the extra stress…I know my portfolio turnover will generally exceed 50% annually… I am not afraid to sell when a stock has a quick 40% to 50% a pop.”


Sunday, February 15, 2015

The future is always coming up with surprises for us, and the best way to insulate yourself from these surprises is to diversify," Shiller said.

Friday, February 06, 2015

 My fave ones from Seth Klarman's CNBC article on Buffett 
1. Value investing works. Buy bargains.
2. Quality matters, in businesses and in people. Better quality businesses are more likely to grow and compound cash flow; low quality businesses often erode and even superior managers, who are difficult to identify, attract, and retain, may not be enough to save them. Always partner with highly capable managers whose interests are aligned with yours.
4. Consistency and patience are crucial. Most investors are their own worst enemies. Endurance enables compounding.
5. Risk is not the same as volatility; risk results from overpaying or overestimating a company's prospects. Prices fluctuate more than value; price volatility can drive opportunity. Sacrifice some upside as necessary to protect on the downside.
6. Unprecedented events occur with some regularity, so be prepared.
7. You can make some investment mistakes and still thrive.
8. Holding cash in the absence of opportunity makes sense.
10. Candour is essential. It's important to acknowledge mistakes, act decisively, and learn from them. Good writing clarifies your own thinking and that of your fellow shareholders.
12. Do what you love, and you'll never work a day in your life.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

“The worst sort of business,” wrote Warren Buffett, billionaire investor and Berkshire Hathaway chairman, to shareholders in 2008, “is one that grows rapidly, requires significant capital to engender the growth, and then earns little or no money.” He then came straight to the point: “Think airlines.”

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Charles Ellis notes:

-the great secret for success in long term investing is to avoid serious losses.

-stock and bond investing should be a defensive process.

-if a major decision is truly fiduciary in nature, it never needs to be done quickly. Time urgent decisions are never fiduciary.

-reduce errors

-if you find yourself getting caught up in the excitement of a rising market or distressed by a falling market, stop! Break it off. Go for a walk and cool down. Otherwise you will become part of the crowd , wanting to do something- and you will make errors, perhaps grave errors that you will regret.

-when you feel euphoric, you're probably in for a bruising. When you feel down, it's darkest just before dawn- abd take no action.

-how your investments behave, is beyond your control. But how you behave in response to their fluctuation is within your control.

-in a losers game, the outcome is determined by mistakes made by the loser.the best way to win is by making fewer bad shots. Keep the ball inside

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

From :

3 Surprising Habits of Smart Investors

"We don't buy cheap stocks. We look for quality businesses we want to own and wait until they get cheap" says Vulcan Value Partners manager C.T. Fitzpatrick. "When the conditions are right, you can catch some really big, beautiful fish." Later in the same interview, Fitzpatrick added: "There are companies that I've personally followed for my entire career, waiting for the chance to buy."

"Our investments continue to be few in number and simple in concept: The truly big investment idea can usually be explained in a short paragraph. We like a business with enduring competitive advantages that is run by able and owner-oriented people. When these attributes exist, and when we can make purchases at sensible prices, it is hard to go wrong (a challenge we periodically manage to overcome).

Investors should remember that their scorecard is not computed using Olympic-diving methods: Degree-of-difficulty doesn't count. If you are right about a business whole value is largely dependent on a single key factor that is both easy to understand and enduring, the payoff is the same as if you had correctly analyzed an investment alternative characterized by many constantly shifting and complex variables."

Peter Lynch said it in a succinct and colorful way: "Never invest in any idea you can't illustrate with a crayon".

Monday, December 22, 2014

My favorite bits from Howard Mark's Dec 18 2014 memo : Lessons of Oil

Despite my protestations that I don’t know any more than others about future macro events – people insist on asking me about the future. Over the last eighteen months , most of the macro questions I’ve gotten have been about whether the Fed would move to increase interest rates, and particularly when.
Since mid-2013, the near-unanimous consensus has been that rates would rise. And, of course, the yield on the 10-year Treasury has fallen from roughly 3% at that time to 2.2% today. I mention it to provide a reminder that what “everyone knows” is usually unhelpful at best and wrong at worst.

• Not only did the investing herd have the outlook for rates wrong, but it was uniformly inquiring about the wrong thing. In short, while everyone was asking whether the rate rise would begin in December 2014 or April 2015 (or might it be June?) – in response to which I consistently asked why the answer matters and how it might alter investment decisions – few people I know were talking about whether the price of oil was in for a significant change.

-I included “$100 oil” (since a barrel was selling in the $70s at the time) and ended with “the things I haven’t thought of.” I suggested that it’s usually that last category – the things that haven’t been considered – we should worry about most. Asset prices are often set to allow for the risks people are aware of. It’s the ones they haven’t thought of that can knock the market for a loop.
• In my book The Most Important Thing, I mentioned something I call “the failure of imagination.” I defined it as “either being unable to conceive of the full range of possible outcomes or not understanding the consequences of the more extreme occurrences.” Both aspects of the definition apply here.
The usual starting point for forecasting something is its current level. Most forecasts extrapolate, perhaps making modest adjustments up or down. In other words, most forecasting is done incrementally, and few predictors contemplate order-of-magnitude changes. Thus I imagine that with Brent crude around $110 six months ago, the bulls were probably predicting $115 or $120 and the bears $105 or $100. Forecasters usually stick too closely to the current level, and on those rare occasions when they call for change, they often underestimate the potential magnitude. Very few people predicted oil would decline significantly, and fewer still mentioned the possibility that we would see $60 within six months.
Most believed that the price of oil would remain around present levels. Several trillion dollars have been invested in drilling over the last few years and yet production is flat because Nigeria, Iraq and Libya are producing less. The U.S. and Europe are reducing consumption, but that is being more than offset by increasing demand from the developing world, particularly China. Five years from now the price of Brent is likely to be closer to $120 because of emerging market demand.
As a side note, it’s interesting to observe that growth in China already was widely understood to be slowing, but perhaps that recognition never made its way into the views on oil of those present at Byron’s lunches. This is an example of how hard it can be to appropriately factor all of the relevant considerations into complex real-world analysis.
• Turning to the second aspect of “the failure of imagination” and going beyond the inability of most people to imagine extreme outcomes, the current situation with oil also illustrates how difficult it is to understand the full range of potential ramifications. Most people easily grasp the immediate impact of developments, but few understand the “second-order” consequences . . . as well as the third and fourth. When these latter factors come to be reflected in asset prices, this is often referred to as “contagion.” Everyone knew in 2007 that the sub-prime crisis would affect mortgage-backed securities and homebuilders, but it took until 2008 for them to worry equally about banks and the rest of the economy.
The following list is designed to illustrate the wide range of possible implications of an oil price decline, both direct consequences and their ramifications:
  • Lower prices mean reduced revenue for oil-producing nations such as Saudi Arabia, Russia and Brunei, causing GDP to contract and budget deficits to rise.
  • There’s a drop in the amounts sent abroad to purchase oil by oil-importing nations like the U.S., China, Japan and the United Kingdom.
  • Earnings decline at oil exploration and production companies but rise for airlines whose fuel costs decline.
  • Investment in oil drilling declines, causing the earnings of oil services companies to shrink, along with employment in the industry.
  • Consumers have more money to spend on things other than energy, benefitting consumer goods companies and retailers.
  • Cheaper gasoline causes driving to increase, bringing gains for the lodging and restaurant industries.
  • With the cost of driving lower, people buy bigger cars – perhaps sooner than they otherwise would have – benefitting the auto companies. They also keep buying gasoline-powered cars, slowing the trend toward alternatives, to the benefit of the oil industry.
  • Likewise, increased travel stimulates airlines to order more planes – a plus for the aerospace companies – but at the same time the incentives decline to replace older planes.
  • By causing the demand for oil services to decline, reduced drilling leads the service companies to bid lower for business. This improves the economics of drilling and thus helps the oil companies.
  • Ultimately, if things get bad enough for oil companies and oil service companies, banks and other lenders can be affected by their holdings of bad loans.
• Further, it’s hard for most people to understand the self-correcting aspects of economic events.
  • A decline in the price of gasoline induces people to drive more, increasing the demand for oil.
  • A decline in the price of oil negatively impacts the economics of drilling, reducing additions to supply.
  • A decline in the price of oil causes producers to cut production and leave oil in the ground to be sold later at higher prices.
In all these ways, lower prices either increase the demand for oil or reduce the supply, causing the price of oil to rise (all else being equal). In other words, lower oil prices – in and of themselves – eventually make for higher oil prices. This illustrates the dynamic nature of economics.
• Finally, in addition to the logical but often hard-to-anticipate second-order consequences or knock-on effects, negative developments often morph in illogical ways. Thus, in response to cascading oil prices, “I’m going to sell out of emerging markets that rely on oil exports” can turn into “I’m going to sell out of all emerging markets,” even oil importers that are aided by cheaper oil.
In part the emotional reaction to negative developments is the product of surprise and disillusionment. Part of this may stem from investors’ inability to understand the “fault lines” that run through their portfolios. Investors knew changes in oil prices would affect oil companies, oil services companies, airlines and autos. But they may not have anticipated the effects on currencies, emerging markets and below-investment grade credit broadly. Among other things, they rarely understand that capital withdrawals and the resulting need for liquidity can lead to urgent selling of assets that are completely unrelated to oil. People often fail to perceive that these fault lines exist, and that contagion can reach as far as it does. And then, when that happens, investors turn out to be unprepared, both intellectually and emotionally.

A grain of truth underlies most big up and down moves in asset prices. Not just “oil’s in oversupply” today, but also “the Internet will change the world” and “mortgage debt has historically been safe.” Psychology and herd behavior make prices move too far in response to those underlying grains of truth, causing bubbles and crashes, but also leading to opportunities to make great sales of overpriced assets on the rise and bargain purchases in the subsequent fall. If you think markets are logical and investors are objective and unemotional, you’re in for a lot of surprises. In tough times, investors often fail to apply discipline and discernment; psychology takes over from fundamentals; and “all correlations go to one,” as things that should be distinguished from each other aren’t.
  • Energy is a very significant part of the high yield bond market. In fact, it is the largest sector today (having taken over from media/telecom, which has traditionally been the largest). This is the case because the exploration industry is highly capital-intensive, and the high yield bond market has been the‎ easiest place to raise capital. The knock-on effects of a precipitous fall in bond prices in the biggest sector in the high yield bond market are potentially substantial: outflows of capital, and mutual fund and ETF selling. It would be great for opportunistic buyers if the selling gets to sectors that are fundamentally in fine shape . . . because a number of them are. And, in fact, low oil prices can even make them better.
  • An imperfect analogy might be instructive: capital market conditions for energy-related assets today are not unlike what we saw in the telecom sector in 2002. As in telecom, you’ve had the confluence of really cheap financing, innovative technology, and prices for the product that were quite stable for a good while. [To this list of contributing factors, I would add the not-uncommon myth of perpetually escalating demand for a product.] These conditions resulted in the creation of an oversupply of capacity in oil, leading to a downdraft. It’s historically unprecedented for the energy sector to witness this type of market downturn while the rest of the economy is operating normally. Like in 2002, we could see a scenario where the effects of this sector dislocation spread wider in a general “contagion.”
  • Selling has been reasonably indiscriminate and panicky (much like telecom in 2002) as managers have realized (too late) how overexposed they are to the energy sector. Trading desks do not have sufficient capital to make markets, and thus price swings have been predictably volatile. The oil selloff has also caused deterioration in emerging market fundamentals and may force spreads to gap out there. This ultimately may create a feedback loop that results in contagion to high yield bonds generally.
• Over the last year or so, while continuing to feel that U.S. economic growth will be slow and unsteady in the next year or two, I came to the conclusion that any surprises were most likely to be to the upside. And my best candidate for a favorable development has been the possibility that the U.S. would sharply increase its production of oil and gas. This would make the U.S. oil-independent, making it a net exporter of oil and giving it a cost advantage in energy – based on cheap production from fracking and shale – and thus a cost advantage in manufacturing. Now, the availability of cheap oil all around the world threatens those advantages. So much for macro forecasting!
• There’s a great deal to be said about the price change itself. A well-known quote from economist Rudiger Dornbusch goes as follows: “In economics things take longer to happen than you think they will, and then they happen faster than you thought they could.” I don’t know if many people were thinking about whether the price of oil would change, but the decline of 40%-plus must have happened much faster than anyone thought possible.
• “Everyone knows” (now!) that the demand for oil turned soft (due to sluggish economic growth, increased fuel efficiency and the emergence of alternatives) at the same time that the supply was increasing (as new sources came on stream). Equally, everyone knows that lower demand and higher supply imply lower prices. Yet it seems few people recognized the ability of these changes to alter the price of oil
A price that’s kept aloft by the operation of a cartel is, by definition, higher than it would be based on supply and demand alone. Maybe the thing that matters is how far the cartelized price is from the free-market price; the bigger the gap, the shorter the period for which the cartel will be able to maintain control. Initially a cartel or a few of its members may be willing to bear pain to support the price by limiting production even while others produce full-out. But there may come a time when the pain becomes unacceptable and the price supporters quit. The key lesson here may be that cartels and other anti-market mechanisms can’t hold forever. Maybe we’ve just proved that this extends to the effectiveness of cartels.
• Anyway, on the base of 93 million barrels a day of world oil use, some softness in consumption combined with an increase in production to cut the price by more than 40% in just a few months. What this proves – about most things – is that to Dornbusch’s quote above we should append the words “. . . and they go much further than you thought they could.”
The extent of the price decline seems much greater than the changes in supply and demand would call for. Perhaps to understand it you have to factor in (a) Saudi Arabia’s ceasing to balance supply and demand in the oil market by cutting production, after having done so for many years, and (b) a large contribution to the decline on the part of psychology
The price of oil thus may have gone from too high (supported by OPEC and by Saudi Arabia in particular) to too low (depressed by negative psychology). It seems to me with regard to the latter that the price fell too far for some market participants to maintain their equanimity. I often imagine participants’ internal dialogues. At $110, I picture them saying, “I’ll buy like mad if it ever gets to $100.” Because of the way investor psychology works, at $90 they may say, “If it falls to $70, I’ll give serious thought to buying.” But at $60 the tendency is to say, “It’s a falling knife and there’s no way to know where it’ll stop; I wouldn’t touch it at any price.”
But it’s usually smarter to buy after they’ve fallen for a while.
• I said it about gold in All That Glitters (November 2010), and it’s equally relevant to oil: it’s hard to analytically put a price on an asset that doesn’t produce income. In principle, a non- perishable commodity won’t be priced below the variable production cost of the highest-cost producer whose output is needed to satisfy total demand. It’s clear that today’s oil price is well below that standard.
It’s hard to say what the right price is for a commodity like oil . . . and thus when the price is too high or too low. Was it too high at $100-plus, an unsustainable blip? History says no: it was there for 43 consecutive months through this past August. And if it wasn’t too high then, isn’t it laughably low today? The answer is that you just can’t say. . And if you can’t be confident about what the right price is, then you can’t be definite about financial decisions regarding oil.
 Regardless, it seems that a market that was unconcerned about things like oil and its impact on economies and assets now has lost its composure. Especially given the pervasive role of energy in economic life, uncertainty about oil introduces uncertainty into many aspects of investing.
“Value investing” is supposed to be about buying based on the present value of assets, rather than conjecture about profit growth in the far-off future. But you can’t assess present value without taking some position on what the future holds, even if it’s only assuming a continuation of present conditions or perhaps – for the sake of conservatism – a considerably lower level. Recent events cast doubt on the ability to safely take any position.
One of the things that’s central to risk-conscious value investing is ascertaining the presence of a generous cushion in terms of “margin of safety.” This margin comes from conviction that conditions will be stable, financial performance is predictable, and/or an entry price is low relative to the asset’s intrinsic value. But when something as central as oil is totally up for grabs, as investors seem to think is the case today, it’s hard to know whether you have an adequate margin.
On the other hand –  high levels of confidence, complacency and composure on the part of investors have in good measure given way to disarray and doubt, making many markets much more to our liking. For the last few years, interest rates on the safest securities – brought low by central banks – have been coercing investors to move out the risk curve. Sometimes they’ve made that journey without cognizance of the risks they were taking, and without thoroughly understanding the investments they undertook. Now they find themselves questioning many of their actions, and it feels like risk tolerance is being replaced by risk aversion. This paragraph describes a process through which investors are made to feel pain, but also one that makes markets much safer and potentially more bargain-laden.
In particular with regard to the distress cycle, confident and optimistic credit markets permit the unwise extension of credit to borrowers who are undeserving but allowed to become overlevered nevertheless. Negative subsequent developments can render providers of capital less confident, making the capital market less accommodative. This cycle of easy issuance followed by defrocking has been behind the three debt crises that delivered the best buying opportunities in our 26 years in distressed debt
But we knew great buying opportunities wouldn’t arrive until a negative “igniter” caused the tide to go out, exposing the debt’s weaknesses. The current oil crisis is an example of something with the potential to grow into that role. We’ll see how far it goes.

For the last 3½ years, Oaktree’s mantra has been “move forward, but with caution.” For the first time in that span, with the arrival of some disarray and heightened risk aversion, events tell us it’s appropriate to drop some of our caution and substitute a degree of aggressiveness.

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Buy gradually

Buying : Leave Room to Average Down

Seth Klarman:
“…The single most crucial factor in trading is developing the appropriate reaction to price fluctuations…One half of trading involves learning how to buy. In my view, investors should usually refrain from purchasing a “full position” (the maximum dollar commitment they intend to make) in a given security all at once…Buying a partial position leaves reserves that permit investors to “average down,” lowering their average cost per share, if prices decline…If the security you are considering is truly a good investment, not a speculation, you would certainly want to own more at lower prices. If, prior to purchase, you realize that you are unwilling to average down, then you probably should not make the purchase in the first place…”

Sunday, December 07, 2014

Finance academics define risk as volatility, whereas value investors see risk as the probability that adverse outcomes in the future will permanently impair the business’s potential cash flow and investor’s capital.

Saturday, December 06, 2014

1. All past market crashes are viewed as opportunities, but all future market crashes are viewed as risks.
If you can recognize the silliness in this, you are on your way to becoming a better long-term investor.
2. Most bubbles begin with a rational idea that gets taken to an irrational extreme.
Dot-com companies did change the world, land is limited and precious metals can hedge against inflation. But none of these stories justified paying outlandish prices for stocks, houses or gold. Bubbles are so easy to fall for precisely because, at least in part, they are based on solid logic.
3. “I don’t know” are three of the most underused words in investing.
I don’t know what the market will do next month. I don’t know when interest rates will rise. I don’t know how low oil prices will go. Nobody does. Listening to people who say they do will cost you a lot of money. Alas, you can’t charge a consulting fee for humility.
4. Short-term thinking is at the root of most investing problems.
If you can focus on the next five years while the average investor is focused on the next five months, you have a powerful edge. Markets reward patience more than any other skill.
5. Investing is overwhelmingly a game of psychology.
Success has less to do with your math skills—or your relationships with in-the-know investors—and more to do with your ability to resist the emotional urge to buy high and sell low.
6. Things change quickly—and more drastically than many think.
Fourteen years ago, Enron was on Fortune magazine’s list of the world’s most-admired companies, Apple was a struggling niche company, Greece’s economy was booming, and the Congressional Budget Office predicted the federal government would be effectively debt-free by 2009. There is a tendency to extrapolate the recent past, but 10 years from now the business world will look absolutely nothing like it does today.
7. Three of the most important variables to consider are the valuations of stocks when you buy them, the length of time you can stay invested, and the fees you pay to brokers and money managers.
These three items alone will have a major impact on how you perform as an investor.
8. There are no points awarded for difficulty.
Nobody cares how much effort you put into researching a stock, how detailed your spreadsheet is or how complicated your options strategy is. For many people, a diversified buy-and-hold strategy is the most reasonable way to invest. Some find it boring, but the purpose of investing isn’t to reduce boredom; it is to increase wealth.
9. A couple of times per decade, investors forget that recessions happen a couple of times per decade.
When recessions come, stocks tend to plunge. This is an unfortunate, but perfectly normal, part of the process—like a Florida hurricane. You should get used to it. If you are unable to stomach declines, consider another investment.
10. Don’t check your brokerage account once a day and your blood pressure only once a year.
Constant updates make investing more emotional than it needs to be. Check your brokerage account as infrequently as necessary to prevent you from becoming emotional about market moves.
11. You should pay the most attention to the investor who talks about his or her mistakes.
Avoid those investors who don’t—their mistakes are likely to be worse.
12. Change your mind when the facts change.
Admit when you are wrong. Learn from your mistakes. Ignore those who refuse to do the same. This will save you untold investing misery.
13. Read past stock-market predictions, and you will take current predictions less seriously.
Markets are complicated, and human emotions are unpredictable. Unless you have illegal insider information, predicting what stocks will do in the short run is unimaginably difficult.
14. There is no such thing as a normal economy, or a normal stock market.
Investors have a tendency to want to “wait for things to get back to normal,” but markets and economies are almost constantly in some state of absurdity, booming or busting at rates that seem (and are) unsustainable.
15. It can be difficult to tell the difference between luck and skill in investing.
There are millions of investors around the world. Randomness guarantees that some will be wildly successful by pure chance. But you will rarely find an investor who attributes his success to luck. When you combine a market system that generates randomness with a belief that your actions reflect your intelligence, you get some misleading results.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

From Janet Lowe's Ben Graham on Value Investing

My fave excerpts:

A true investor seldom is forced to sell his shares

If you aren't certain that you understand and can value your business far better than Mr. market, you don't belong in the game

Price will tend to fluctuate around value. The price of the security is like a stopped clock it will be right twice a day, and will be wrong all the rest of the time. The main principle in what we are saying is that securities are chronically mispriced in relation to the intrinsic value.

I have found it useful to estimate the central value of the Dow Jones industrial average by the simple method of capitalizing 10 year average earnings at twice the interest rate for high-grade bonds.

Odlum decided the way to make money was to buy companies in trouble and revamp them. Graham debated with him, saying that it was safer to buy a variety of stocks. Odlum later invested all of his money in uranium companies. they went down and he had all his eggs in one basket.