
Friday, April 26, 2019

Resist distraction

This! :
When the prefrontal cortex is taken offline by stress we end up doing things that are immediately pleasurable. Instead of getting overwhelmed, ask yourself, “What’s one little thing that I could do now that would move me toward this goal I’m trying to accomplish?” Taking one small step toward it can make it start to feel more manageable. 

Here’s how to resist distraction and be less reactive:

  • Control your context: You can’t react to what’s not there. (phone out of reach)
  • Stay calm: Stress makes you dumb. Stress and reacting leads to dumb behavior. (stay calm)
  • Think about your goals: Get Stoicism, mindfulness and dopamine on your side.
  • Make a deliberate decision: When you do, your brain is better able to resist no-no’s.(SCHEDULE EVERYTHING!)
You don’t have to react and answer that text immediately. You don’t have to react to that delicious smell and eat all the cookies. You can pause, stay calm, think about your goals and decide to do the right thing.
We’re all so afraid of being bored that we run to any distraction that presents itself. But when we truly engage with the world and focus on our goals, we’re never bored.

As a full and fully comprehending partner, you can join him in learning about boundaries: namely, that when properly set and held, they aren’t subject to anyone’s disrespect. You decide what behavior you’ll accept from people, and become unavailable to those who behave otherwise. She gets blamey on the phone? He says, “Sorry to interrupt, but I have to go,” and hangs up. She screams? He screens.
She keeps hurting him? He cuts ties.