
Friday, January 27, 2012

FORTUNE -- "One of the powerful things Bill Gates told me is 'Learn to say no.' You don't have to make everyone happy. I've also learned by observing how deeply he goes into anything he cares about. How well he knew the nuances of my product was a huge signal that no manager should feel they're above the pay grade.
"But one piece of advice that's driven me the most came from a commencement speech by then-MIT president Charles Vest. He said to keep on moving. Cheesy, but it's amazing how true it is. Don't talk about stuff. Do it. When your organization is paused, and when the spirit of just seeing what happens dies, that's when you should be worried. Before I make a video for Khan Academy, I don't think, Let me go talk to some people and do focus groups. Obviously you have to have some learning, but if it's ruining the tempo of activity, you have to rethink things. At the end of the day, what matters is whether your product works and whether people like it."

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Buffett Time article :

-He believes CEOs of publicly bailed-out companies should be on the hook for everything if their companies go bust.

-He'd like to see private schools banned so that rich families would be forced to invest in public schools

-His views are the opposite of the trickle down theory, echoing those of William Jennings Bryan "if you legislate to make the masses prosperous, their prosperity will find its way up and through every class that rests upon it".

- Howard Buffett was and is a hero to his son, because he operated by his inner scorecard. He was the least back-slapping Congressman to ever represent his state. He once turned down a raise because his constituents had voted him in at a lower salary. His picture hangs on Buffett's office, along with the Dale Carnegie course certificate , a 1973 Pulitzer and the Presidential Medal of honour.

- His other hero is his first wife. I've never felt my wife was remotely done justice to, she was just an incredibly wise and good person. She didn't do things with a metric attached to them. Warren's mother Leila was a difficult woman prone to hysteria and vicious verbal attacks on her children. Susie headed her off and managed her needs so that Warren could be left to do what he was good at - making money.

-"It may be true that the law can't change the heart" said King, "but it can restrain the heartless".