
Sunday, September 17, 2006

So after a couple of desultory postings on my personal text blog, found that Iam not as motivated to post as Iam posting here online for all to see. I don't think too many people read this but oh well, they can if they want to !

Portfolio is in decent-er shape now. Not negative for the YTD. Still trailing the market, but I have a lot of new ones that need time to bloom :)

CKCM got bought out aat a nice price, actually made some money. Was a good strategy to buy some more when it tanked.

Iam a bit hopeful of natural gas play NBR. I think the weather may play up at some point in the future and may recover some on there. PFCB going up nicely, and also hopeful of HURC.
Followed WB on ?USG and also saw why he may have bought it, P/E of essentially about 5.4!

When the next oil runup arrives, if it arrives, COP and STO are going to be history..