
Friday, January 10, 2014

My favorite excerpts from "Value Investing with the Masters" by Kirk Kazanjian

1) Dreman: We'll only raise cash in a market that's in free-fall. We don't run away from bear markets or volatility. We love it. These periods allow us to get 15, 20 or 30% growers at much lower prices.

2) Eveillard: Intrinsic value is what we think we would pay, expecting a reasonable return, if we were to buy the entire company. One of the reasons Buffett is such a genius is that he has figured out that there are only a tiny number of companies that you can have reasonable confidence will be as successful 10 years from now as they are today.

3) Fries: Numbers to determine basic value: Reference to historical levels of price-to-book and balance sheet strength are important. Earnings power potential and the PE using normalized earnings are important as well. Banks, financial services and insurance companies tend to have P/B as very useful. Each company is a unique situation. e.g. Utilities sell at low multiples always due to being regulated so rate of growth and return as not particularly high.

Of 10 ideas, I'd like to think six work out. If you're better than half on average, you're doing well. A lot of success came from owning stocks that didn't sell off too much.
We aim to sell in 12-18 months.

4) Gilligan : The best investments you can make are in growth companies that are being overly penalized by the market for a short-term problem. Its not a matter of buying dogs, but rather buying good companies that have fallen out of favor. That's where the huge opportunities lie. In the purely cyclical companies, its more of a trading game. But if you can find growth, your holding period may get extended dramatically.

For a cyclical company with normal margins, less than 1X EV/Sales may interest us.
However for good ROIC 20-30% companies, may pay even 3 times EV/Sales.

We really pay attention to the ROIC and net margin numbers over time and compare to competitors to know what realistic profitability numbers should be.
In many cyclical companies, we try estimate a normalized earnings level.We predict what sales should be, and then put a margin that the company has been able to generate over time.For many companies, history is a valid guide. For years, you could put an eight times multiple on peak earnings for any cyclical company to determine the price target, and it almost always worked. PE ratios are important, but only using normalized earnings.

Ideal company: My best company grows somewhere between 8-15% (both top and bottom line).Over 15% attracts growth people and they bid up too high. In addition, ROIC should exceed cost of capital. AN ROIC atleast in the teens. It generates free cash flow, spends no more than depreciation on capital spending, fairly clean balance sheet. If you can buy a company like this at a discount to the market (EV/FCF), it could be a good opportunity.

Annual reports: You want to focus on change year over year in the annual reports, trends in margins, SG&A, R&D, tax rate and shares outstanding.
On the balance sheet, look at receivables, days of sales outstanding, inventory turns, and any outsized growth in assets or liabilities.
You want to see that cash is coming in and that its growing atleast on par with income. If you find that income growth is heavier than the growth in cash flow, something is going on.

Over a long period of time, concentrated portflios should work as long as you're disciplined. However, on any given day, you can take enormous hits. If your investors are patient and understansing, thats fine. But I don't know too many of those.

We find that when you pick a stock that works, you often grossly underestimate how well it will do.

5) James Gipson: One thing that was particularly memorable is how we played the loser's game to avoid buying overvalued assets. In 1981, oil stocks were hot. We avoided oil stocks entirely.

There is large virtue to being a rational, disciplined buyer. In 1999 and early 2000 it was very difficult to remain patient. Easy to preach, difficult to practice.

Periods of superior returns come in unpredictable lumps. Its normally when you get impatient that you get into trouble.

From a psychological standpoint, many people have "avoiding criticism" as their major goal. One way to avoid criticism is to do what everyone else is doing. The real essence of what you're asking comes down to character. Do you have the patience to persist in doing what you believe is the rational thing, even though you're not being rewarded for it?

Be rational and value-oriented. Avoid buying stocks you don't really understand.

a) Easy to understand (how it works and prospects) b) good businesses c) sell at a sizable discount to what a rational private buyer would pay to be a partner in the business.

A good business has a competitive advantage, generates superior returns on capital or on equity, and generates cash apart from accounting earnings.
Different measures for different industries. P/B useful for insurance, useless for a media company. Atleast a 30% discount.

Mathematically, you get about 95% of the maximum theoretical benefits of diversification with just 13 stocks.

Before buying any stock, ask how much you can lose by owning it. If the answer is more than you can stomach, its a good sign the investment is not right for you.

John Goode: 1st leg is inflection points. 2nd leg is : Screen to identify companies with good long-term prospects such as ROIC versus cost of capital, free cash-flow generation. Identify a population of companies that represent good business franchises. May not be attractively valued today but we want to know businesses that consistently earn a premium to their cost of capitsl. When cisrcumstances cause the shares of these companies to reach levels we believe are attractive, we are prepared to move.

3rd leg is to analyze fundamentals in the 11 S&P sectors. understand prospects that can't be determined by looking just at income statements or balance sheets. 4th leg is technical: insider buying, selling, percentage difference between price and 90 day moving average. At extremes, it suggests that our fundamental research efforts should be increased to determine whether a particular stock should be bought or sold.

What you're really trying to do is to find something cheap relative to its future prospects.

We are usually willing to hold a stock for 6-9 months unless we get information that says we've made a mistake. For best results, we have found you need to be in a stock for 18-36 months because it takes that long for low expectations to become modest expectations.

Bill Miller:
Our ideas come from new-low lists, we screen a lot and look at anything that is statistically cheap. Spectacular blowups like Waste Management in 1999. Many times terrific companies with strong competitive advantages will not make it into our portfolio because they never hit our valuation metrics. We've missed many great companies like Microsoft.

Dell in 1996 was growing at 25-30% a year earning 30% on invested capital and trading at 5 times earnings. They had a superior business model, and excellent competitive advantages.
Our models are updated every quarter as we get more fundamental data. We're always trying to figure out the underlying business value.
You can value any asset using financial theory. The PV of future cash flows essentially. The value of a business is independent of how it is financed. But how it is financed determines who has access to that value. If a company is worth 1B and there is 1B debt, the equity holders don't have an asset worth anything. In case of Exodus, the debt is trading at 15c/dollar after default. The current value of senior debt is 300M and we value teh company at 1B so we think we'll make several times our money.

Value investors tend to overlook a lot of great ideas. e.g. MSFT and CSCO were great values in 1991. Even after its severe correction, CSCO is still valued at 120B, and it was valued at 1B 10 years ago.
There are a lot of companies that are great values that we miss. In the 1970s, walmart traded at 24 times earnings. Had one bought it and held on, one would have creamed the market. Difficult.

Ronald Muhlenkamp:

P/B and ROE are useful but you have to adjust for inflation and interest rates. Even Graham adjusted his values in 1974. I still use the Graham format but adjust for inflation and interest rates.
The key is "what return you can get versus your cost of capital".

I would argue that if inflation is less than 1%, interest rates are 4.5%, and the ROE is high enough to sustain a high growth rate, PEs should be 2.5 times the growth rate. On the flip side, I've never seen a reasoned argument as to why PEs shoudl be higher than 2.5 times the growth rate.

if you have a high return on shareholder equity and you sustain it, chances are you're doing a pretty good job as a company. We then look to buy those companies at resonable prices. The price we're willing to pay changes as inflation and interest rates change. In 1980s, we wanted PE below half of ROE, today we want PE less than ROE.

The usual way is to page through Value Line. First screen for good ROE.You then look for reaosnably priced. You follow that with research to find of ROE is sustainable. You want to make sure its not just a blip, and that its a business you want to be part of.

When the numbers look good, we typically call the company and ask 3 favorite questions:
1) Are there analysts on Wall street who do a good job on your company? Thats saves us time.
2) What criteria do you use to judge your own performance? All are valid, we just want to talk and measure in their terms.
3) At what point do your people start earning a bonus ? If bonuses kick in at 15% ROE Iam interested. If they kick in at 10% ROE Iam not interested. We at least want to know what they're shooting for and what they're trying to do.

I want an ROE over 14%, which is the average. I want an above-average company. In today's environment, I want a PE below ROE. I use Value Line and analyst data but not their conclusions.

Warning signs: If revenues slow down and margins deteriorate, we get nervous. We look in 4 ways: marketing and sales, cost control, balance sheet, labor relations.

Bill Nygren :
Liberty Media was trading at 30% of its value and was also growing over time. There were only going to be more cable subscribers.The last thing we look for is economic alignment of management team with the outside shareholders. We need to believe that the management approaches their job with the mindset of an owner. From 1991-1998, it appreciated 60-fold. Business value grew so rapidly that even though the stock price was increasing , it always still traded at a discount to intrinsic value.

Oakmark Select is concentrated. Not more than 20 stocks.

We don't shun technology. Our analysts start by looking at stocks that seem cheap, they come down a lot, low PEs relative to other companies in their industries, low P/S.

Kevin O'Boyle: invest in companies generating strong returns on equity that are market leaders and operate in markets experiencing rapid growth. if these companies have sustainable competitive advantages and are bought at a reasonable price, you can generate very good returns over time.

Meridian Value fund: We observed that companies with up to a year's worth of negative earnings growth or earnings decline then did very well when their operational performance improved.Two key assumptions in this trategy are that the market tends to be very myopic and extrapolates short-term trends into the future. The second is that underlying business value tends not to be as volatile as stock price.

We don't really care about the overall market environment. We have a mandate to keep less than 10% of the overall fund in cash.

We're looking for companies whose stock price has dropped 50% or more from its high. Most companies stumble occasionally. We focus on companies that are market leaders, that have a history of generating good ROIC, or that own an asset that cannot be easily replicated. Cash flows strong enough t o support the capital structure.

We feel that it takes at least two down quarters before the stock price declines dramatically and the problem that cropped up begins to be addressed. Its in the third quarter that problems are getting fixed.
Markets are fairly efficient. After a couple of down quarters, stocks get hammered and those who see value get in. Markets are more efficient for large companies. Hence we don't necessarily wait for 3 quarters.
Earnings misses monitor. Our average holding period is 18 months.

Robert Olstein: There are 5 of us working on a portfolio. We spend a lot of time reading all kinds of publications, including magazines and annual reports, looking for hot spots. We re looking for misperceptions-where we think the negativity on a stock is not backed by the numbers. Temporary problems. You've got to have a 2-3 year time horizon for value investing.

The numbers we most look at are the estimated cash flows for the next 3-5 years. We're saying this is what we think the earnings power is. We do misestimate cash flows, we are wrong 1/3 times but not very wrong.
If I read something phony starting to develop in the financial statements, I'll sell. e.g. unbilled receivables spiking up or deferred taxes. I never talk to management, everything one needs to know is in the statements. How conservative they are, how they solved problems in the past.

Very much bottoms-up. No attempt to call the general market, interest rates or economy. Just minimizing downside risk.Out of 10 investment decisions, 3-4 will be wrong. But should not be too wrong.
We love to look at new low list, out of favor industries.

When you are looking at a fallen sector, the best balance shet will have strength to weather the storm.

Been wrong? We bought 2-3 staffing companies that were 70-80% off highs. After Y2K, their earnings estimates had fallen. We felt Internet would take over the slack. We were right for a short amount of time, but that came to a screeching halt, the bottom fell out. We lost almost 25-30% of our invesment, Never happened to me before.

Is tehre a threshold where you refuse to hold on to a stock that has gone down by a certain percentage? There's no set formula, but whever something underperforms by 10-15% relative to its group, it necessitates an automatic review of what's going on.
We hold a stock for about 2 years.

Charles Royce: We g right to its heart and soul, which is return on assets, and try to understand this. Is it permanent? Is it sustainable? What's going on that will impact returns of the sector ? If you can capture a high-returning company, even if has cyclically growth or sporadic growth, you're capturing a better engine than a company with low returns.

Lets say there are 2 companies both selling at 10 times earnings. One has a ROIC of 25%, one has a return on capital of 7%. The company with high return is going to be a better investment, If it doesnt have capital opportunities inside its own firm, its going to generate excess cash. The excess cash will operate as a positive pressure point on the comany and stock. Over time that excess cash will build up, will be spent creatively, and will be used to retire stock. The company without excess cash is flat in the water. So we're looking for companies with higher returns that tend to generate excess cash.

What else to look at? Frankyly 70% of it is looking at returns on capital and understanding the sustainability of returns on capital. If you get that right, you've really got it right.
How to gauge sustainability? You think out loud with the comapny, otehr people, and compeittors. We go through a Socratic Q&A of trying to understand the company. We want to know how competitors and customers regard the company.

What about valuation? I don't wake up and say that the whole world should sell at 9 times earnings.
Valuation is one part of risk management, important but not the only part. If I can get a deep confidence in the qualitative part of the company, I will address valuation after that. I need to understand the qualitative dimensions of the company before I'm ready to talk valuation.

I never know exactly what will happen to a given stock. I buy lots of stocks to give a higher chance of lightning to strike often.
Risk: The closer you are to reality, the better you'll' be at making judgements about risk.
Bear markets are not the time to be conservative. Best to dollar-cost average in a bear market, start off slow and add more to your portfolio every couple of weeks.

What made you a value investor? Losing a lot of money in the 73-74 bear market. I lost most of my money by having speculative risk, not understanding the importance of balance sheets, not understanding diversification principles, and not understanding integrity principles as they relate to individual companies.
The biggest mistake investors make is not reading annual reports and understanding the risks involved in their investment. Do your homework.

You don't need to swing at every pitch. This is a game that goes on and on. You can stay out of the game for a while and come back. You don't need to be hyperactive to win.
I am more conservative as markets go up, and aggressive as markets go down. I always try to stay fully invested.

Kent Simons:

Value guys like me get into trouble by buying stocks at below market multiples, and the earnings turn out not to be there. When I buy a stock, I do have assumptions about earnings in a certain amount of time. If those earnings are not to be seen, I won't hold on.
I bought Bank of New England at $24 P/E 6. And sold it for $6 at 6 P/E. They eventually went bankrupt.
The final reason I'll sell is since Iam 99.8% invested, is to raise money for something that looks even better.

Bret stanley: Typical Day: Every morning starts off with going through overnight news on the portfolio and other things that come under the heading maintenance research. We listen to every management conference call on each of our holdings. Constantly reevaluationg our IV calculations and making sure the fundamentals are unfolding as expected. 20% time on maintenance and 80% on new ideas.

Wallace Weitz:
A solid business that has some control over its destiny, that generates discretionary cash. Ideally the company is growing at some moderate rate. If anything grows too fast, I get nervous since fast growth is unsustainable most of the time. The company must also have management I really trust, who treat me like a partner, whose motives and aspirations match up with mine as an investor.

Buffett says that if he cant put a proper value on the company in his head or if being off by a percentage point or two on the discount rate makes a difference, its not cheap enough. I use 15% discount rate since thats the return we'd like to generate.

Some kind of control over their destinies, like monopolies, e.g. cable companies. In contrast, cable equipment makers generally have multiple competitors so less control over their destiny.
Recurring revenue, insulation from competition, not particularly capital intensive.

We rarely go over 5-6% in a company. I worry about specific company risk.

There are an infinite number of facts you can learn about a company, but there are usually two or three very important variables that make the company succeed or fail. A lot of Wall street research gets so bogged down in the minutae and details that it misses these two or three big things that make or break an investment. its important to be able to distinguish what matters from what doesnt. That's one of Buffett's great gifts.

Martin Whitman:
An awful lot of managements are out to rape public stockholders. We try to avoid these people. We avoid incompetent looking management, overreaching management in stock options or compensation levels and other transactions as discolsed in SEC filings.

In general, all businesses that are good are involved in wealth creation. Away from Wall street, most intelligent people would prefer to create wealth by methods other than earnings (for tax reasons). Maximise cash flow rather than earnings.

Right now, we're buying huge portoflios of tech cmpnaies selling at under 8 times peak earnings. We feel it can take 3-5 year for a cycle to turn.
On the distressed side, I read the Daily Bankruptcy reporter.

10 Keys to successful Value Investing :

1) stick with the market. Mostly the masters stay invested at all times. "Research shows tht 80-90% of investment returns occur during just 2-7% of your holding time." Christopher Browne points out.
David Dreman says that he raises cash only when the market is in middle of a freefall. "Ive seen too many good managers get hurt trying to outsmart the market. They wind up missing rallies".

2) View yourself as a long-term partner of the business. Instead of constant attention to the company's stock price, concentrate on how well the business itself is progressing.

3) Price is important. Simple-minded computer screens like low PE or low PB do not tell you much about value.

4) Build portfolio bottom up. Little consideration to macros considerations. Masters seek out individual companies one by one. Sometimes bottom up approach leads you to a more general trend that you can latch to.

5) Dreman : "We found it pays to sell, not if there's a bad quarter, but if there is a major fundamental change in the longer-term outlook".

6) Have patience: Since you're buying what is currently out of favor, it can take months or even years to work out. Periods of superior performance come in unpredictable lumps.

7) On analyst reports: Such reports can provide many general insights into a company's overall operating environment. I want an analyst to tell me what's going on in the industry and company. Their job is to know their companies but not their values.

8) Get a firm grip on what makes a company tick. What is management like ? (Mine: Is it consistent with what I would do? )

Monday, December 16, 2013

WB on moats

Wonderful castles, surrounded by deep, dangerous moats where the leader inside is an honest and decent person. Preferably, the castle gets its strength from the genius inside; the moat is permanent and acts as a powerful deterrent to those considering an attack; and inside, the leader makes gold but doesn't keep it all for himself. Roughly translated, we like great companies with dominant positions, whose franchise is hard to duplicate and has tremendous staying power or some permanence to it. (Berkshire Hathaway Annual meeting, 1995)

You need a moat in business to protect you from the guy who is going to come along and offer (your product) for a penny cheaper. (Warren Buffett Talks Business, 1995)

We're not pure economic creatures, and that policy penalizes our results somewhat, but we prefer to operate that way in life. What's the point of becoming rich if you're going to have a pattern of operations where you continually discard associations with people you like, admire, and find interesting in order to earn a slightly bigger figure?

Mine : Does a company make its customers and suppliers better off ?

Sunday, December 15, 2013

From " A checklist for investors"
An itemized list of procedures and how to follow them, the surgeon Atul Gawande has written, can "hold the odds of doing harm low enough for the odds of doing good to prevail."

Decades' worth of psychological studies show that people are extremely good at figuring out which information they need for a decision—but do a poor job of using that evidence methodically over time

As the Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman's book "Thinking, Fast and Slow" puts it, "Humans are incorrigibly inconsistent in making summary judgments of complex information."

-Rub your nose in your own failures," he urges. "Avoiding the mistakes you've made in the past will take your error rate way down in the future."

Mr. Pabrai says he believes that the flubs made by great investors fall into five groups: valuation, or how cheap an investment is; leverage, or risks associated with borrowing; management and ownership; "moats," or how well-fortified business are against competition; and personal biases.

First he does all his other research; then he works through the checklist to make sure he didn't miss anything.

Among the questions on Mr. Pabrai's list: How good is management at allocating capital? Is cash flow overstated because of an unsustainable recent boom?

Guy Spier, managing partner of Aquamarine Capital, a Zurich-based investment firm that manages $160 million, uses his checklist to determine, among other things, how a company makes its customers and suppliers better off. That, he says, helps him figure out how likely the company is to be able to fend off competitors.

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Yacktman Funds Interview - Great Answers From Great Investors

From :
Yacktman Funds Interview - Great Answers From Great Investors

-The Yacktman Funds seem to contain a lot of “wonderful businesses” as opposed to classic Ben Graham net-net cheap businesses?
4. Can you walk us through the investment process at the Yacktman Fund?

A: A good amount of the time is spent finding the ideas. You can quickly filter a lot of things out. Once we’ve sifted through the ideas, generally the first thing we do is to read the annual reports and the proxy statements. We try to first get an understanding of the business so the business description section of the 10K is a great place to start. Then we move on to the risk disclosure section. Those are put together by management and lawyers sitting in a room trying to figure out what can go wrong with the business. These people are worried about getting sued so they’ll include the things that keep them up at night or keep them nervous in the disclosure in case something goes wrong.

I read the business description and risk disclosures first and then move on to financial statements and footnotes. We also use sell side research reports for industries we are not familiar with to help us get up to the speed. We also read trade articles or other publications that are relevant to the business. Typically, the last place we go is to the management team because management is usually there to sell you on why to own the stock. It’s much better to analyze what they have done than have them tell you what they are going to do.

We also try to get an understanding of how the businesses have performed historically. For instance, last night we were looking at the operating margins of consumer companies the 1960s and 1950s. We like history a lot because it gives you a great perspective on what might happen in the future.

-We usually buy and sell gradually. For the most part, we are slow in and slow out. Again, we don’t set a price target. Instead, what we do is we’ll make the stock 2% of the portfolio at this price and 3% if it drops further.

-Comparing companies of different industries using P/E or P/S ratio does not help you when you have a business that to earns a dollar and pays out a dollar and another business that earns a dollar and puts 50 cents back to keep up with competition. So when we are valuing a business, we’d like to focus on the forward rate of return. By that I mean if I buy a stock today at this price, what is my anticipation of the return I am going to get in the future? This forward rate of return includes free cash flow yields and anticipated growth rate.

-Furthermore, we will look at historical data and get an idea of how the business has been doing over the past 10 years. What percentage of earnings did they get to keep? We are trying to get a general idea for the future but we are not forecasting. If you are forecasting whether the business is growing at 7% or 8% in the future, you’ve already got a problem. We look at what the mean case scenario is and what the likely distribution of scenarios around the mean case scenario is. If you look at Procter and Gamble, in 20 years they will probably still own Tide, they are probably still going to be in hair and shampoo and they are still probably going to be dominating. You can pretty much forecast to a certain degree of certainty what is it going to be like in 20 years. But you can’t tell what Microsoft or Intel are going to look like in 20 years.

-The lower the ability to forecast the future, the lower the valuation should be. We’ll pay less because there is more volatility associated with it.

-And risk to us is not the risk of the stock price, it is the risk that the business is not performing as we expected. You can have a business that has been doing very well for the past 10 or 20 years but they may not be doing as well in the future. The newspaper business is a good example of this. We had looked at Gannett in the past. In 2004, at the multiple it was trading, you could expect to earn about 8.5 to 9 percent if they can repeat what they have achieved during the past 10 years. At the end of 2004, we were asking what are the odds that this newspaper company is going to keep earning 8-9% in the next 10 years and it was pretty obvious that the business model of the newspaper business is deteriorating and we did not think it was going to earn 8-9% in the future, we quickly threw the idea away.

-8. When you find out that you have made a mistake in your investment analysis, how do you go about exiting the position? Do you sell it right away?

A: As we gathered historical data from the new management team we did not feel confident in so we sold the position. If you think you’ve made a mistake, you should sell right away. Why hold something you are not comfortable with?

A: There are three co-managers of the funds. Where you see positions are very large, it is usually because we have a uniform consensus from the portfolio managers. Very often it is a relatively cheap low risk, high quality stock.

-We actually looked at JC Penney’s debt and we did not invest in it. It will be very hard to get interested in the equity if we passed on the debt.

-15.What advice would you give amateur investors with regard to suppressing the excitement and urge to act?

A: Some of the biggest investment risks come from valuation and businesses that are in highly competitive, rapidly changing markets. We would recommend sizing positions to manage the risk or uncertainty.

-Investing in cigar butts or wide moat? Both are ok if reasonable return can be expected.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

From Do You Feel Lucky? Maybe Investors Should

But aren't individuals at the mercy of high-speed traders and institutional investors with giant portfolios?

"I think a lot of that talk is nonsense," Mr. Cloonan says. "Institutions are very short-term, constantly trading in and out. They're more concerned about not doing worse than average than they are about trying to think originally as investors."

For investors who are patient and disciplined, do their research and don't get caught up in the Wall Street game of trading too much, "it's easier than it's ever been to do pretty well," Mr. Cloonan says. "You just have to decide to do the right thing."

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

good quotes

“If you own the best dealership, the top bank, and the finest restaurant in town, you will do well.”
― Charlie Munger on Diversification

“I’m not interested in meeting management today… I’m more interested in finding out how a person has behaved in the past.”
― Bruce Berkowitz

“Successful investors tend to be unemotional, allowing the greed and fear of others to play into their hands. By having confidence in their own analysis and judgement, they respond to market forces not with blind emotion but with calculated reason. Successful investors, for example, demonstrate caution in frothy markets and steadfast conviction in panicky ones. Indeed, the very way an investor views the market and it’s price fluctuations is a key factor in his or her ultimate investment success or failure.”
― Seth Klarman

“The most successful horse players (I guess they lose the least) are the ones who don’t bet on every race but wager on only those occasions when they have a clear conviction.”
― Joel Greenblatt

Friday, November 08, 2013

During a visit to Columbia Business School many years ago, a student asked Warren Buffett how one could best prepare for an investing career. Mr. Buffett picked up a stack of financial reports he had brought with him and advised the students to read "500 pages like this every day". One of the students in the class happened to be Todd Combs. Mr. Combs took the advice quite literally and eventually got into a habit of reading far more than 500 pages per day. This work ethic contributed to a successful career running a hedge fund and a position at Berkshire Hathaway allocating several billion dollars of capital.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

WB criteria for valuation of the market and some quotes

From a Motley Fool article :

In 2001 Buffett explained that determining whether the market is expensive or cheap doesn't have to be complicated. Here's the metric he uses:

The market value of all publicly traded securities as a percentage of the country's business -- that is, as a percentage of GNP. Basically, Buffett divides the total market capitalization of the U.S. stock market by gross national product. GNP measures the value of goods and services that a country's citizens produce regardless of where they live. This includes the value of goods and services that American companies produce abroad.

Buffett : "If the percentage relationship falls to the 70% or 80% area, buying stocks is likely to work very well for you. If the ratio approaches 200% -- as it did in 1999 and a part of 2000 -- you are playing with fire."

The most common way to calculate the market value is by looking up the market capitalization of the Wilshire 5000. The market cap of the Wilshire 5000 was $20.6 trillion. The Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis has a great website where you can locate GNP ($16.9 trillion). (

Dividing the total market cap by GNP gives 122% indicates that the market is getting pricey.

-We don't spend any time looking back. We figure there is so much to look forward to, there's just no sense thinking of what might have been, it just doesn't make any difference. You can only live life forward. You can perhaps learn something from the mistakes

-Interest rate impact. What you really want to know in investments is what is important and what is knowable. If its unimportant or unknowable, you forget about it. We don't want to pass up a chance to do something intelligent because of some prediction that we're no good on anyway. So we don't read, or listen or do anything based on macro factors, zero.

-Concentrate on what will happen, not on the when. The when is unknowable.

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Good checklist for investing

There's a good compilation of questiosn to think of before investing.

The Quality Of Business Earnings - Checklist Of Questions

by Tannor Pilatzke

Here are quotes by WB from here :

“Investing is reporting. I told him to imagine an in-depth article about his own paper. He’d ask a lot of questions and dig up a lot of facts. He’d know The Washington Post. And that’s all there is to it.”

“You need a moat in business to protect you from the guy who is going to come along and offer it (your product) for a penny cheaper.”

“If (you go into a store and) they say ‘I don’t have a Hershey bar, but I have this unmarked chocolate bar that the owner of the place recommends,’ if you’ll walk across the street to buy a Hershey bar or if you’ll pay a nickel more for the (Hershey) bar than the unmarked bar or something like that, that’s franchise value.”

“How much more fruitful it is for us to think about whether the product is likely to sustain itself and its economics than to try to be questioning whether to jump in and out of the stock.”

“If I’m thinking about investing in a specific company, I try to size up their business and the people running it. And as I read annual reports, I’m trying to understand generally what’s going on in all kinds of businesses. If we own stock in one company and there are eight others in the industry, I want to be on the mailing list for the annual reports of the other eight because I can’t understand how my company is doing unless I understand what the other eight are doing. I want perspective on market share, margins, the trend in margins – all kinds of things...”

“It’s amazing how well you can do in investing with what I’d call “outside” information. I’m not sure how useful inside information is. But there’s all kinds of “outside” information around as to businesses. And you don’t have to understand all of them. You just have to understand the ones you’re thinking about investing in. And you can. But no one can do it for you.”

“In my view, you can’t read Wall Street reports and get anything out of them. You’ve got to get your arms around it yourself. I don’t think we’ve ever gotten an idea from a Wall Street report. However, we’ve gotten a lot of ideas from annual reports. Charlie?”

“PUCCI”: Pricing, Units, Costs, Competition and Insiders

“Investors should remember that their scorecard is not computed using Olympic-diving methods: Degree-of-difficulty doesn’t count. If you are right about a business whose value is largely dependent on a single key factor that is both easy to understand and enduring, the payoff is the same as if you had correctly analyzed an investment alternative characterized by many constantly shifting and complex variables.” -- Warren Buffett

Friday, November 01, 2013

For the casual investor, Greenblatt recommends buying a portfolio of 20-30 Magic Formula stocks, holding for one year, and then re-running the process annually.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

On the interest rate environment

The 'Rate Gap' Is Rising (
The gap between deposit rates and borrowing rates is higher than it's been in 32 of the last 40 years. by Andrea Coombes

Low interest rates have been bruising savers for years, but for a while those same low rates
were proving a boon to mortgage borrowers.

Not anymore.

In fact, the gap between the interest consumers earn on a savings account and the rate they pay on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is its widest in two years—and among the highest in more than 40 years—according to data analyzed by

The widening spread also is a sign of the hurdles faced by retirees and other savers who are trying to generate income from relatively conservative investments.

For the month of September, the spread between the average rate on a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (4.49%) and the average rate on a one-month certificate of deposit (0.06%) was 4.43 percentage points, according to data from the Federal Reserve and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

Since 1971, the average gap between those rates has been 2.83 percentage points. In 2007, the gap hovered around one point.

The gap has been higher than average since November 2008, shortly after the onset of the financial crisis, coinciding with efforts by the Fed to push short-term rates lower to stimulate the economy. Then the difference shrank to less than four percentage points for most of the past two years.

The problem for savers is that rates on savings accounts, money-market funds and certificates of deposit are tied very closely to short-term interest rates. But other interest rates are subject to a variety of market forces that tend to drive those rates higher, including lenders' perception of risk from inflation and default.

"If you're a bank and you're going to make a 30-year commitment, you don't want to be caught receiving a substandard interest rate," says Richard Barrington, a senior financial analyst at "You're going to be pretty quick to raise your rates on any hint that mortgage rates might be due to go up."

The highest gap recorded since 1971 between 30-year fixed-rate mortgages and one-month CDs was 6.2 percentage points in August 1982. But back then, a one-month CD paid more than 10%. Today, by comparison, "the income-producing ability of your savings has virtually disappeared," Mr. Barrington says.

Consumers have a few options. Consider owning only shorter-term CDs, so you don't lock yourself into meager payments for the long run. Look into online savings accounts, which have fewer restrictions than CDs yet may pay the same or better rates right now. And consider shorter-term mortgages, since they tend to have lower interest rates than 30-year loans do.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

From    Why Tough Teachers Get Good Results

Psychologist K. Anders Ericsson gained fame for his research showing that true expertise requires about 10,000 hours of practice, a notion popularized by Malcolm Gladwell in his book "Outliers." 

The rap on traditional education is that it kills children's' creativity. But Temple University psychology professor Robert W. Weisberg's research suggests just the opposite. Prof. Weisberg has studied creative geniuses including Thomas Edison, Frank Lloyd Wright and Picasso—and has concluded that there is no such thing as a born genius. Most creative giants work ferociously hard and, through a series of incremental steps, achieve things that appear (to the outside world) like epiphanies and breakthroughs.

Prof. Weisberg analyzed Picasso's 1937 masterpiece Guernica, for instance, which was painted after the Spanish city was bombed by the Germans. The painting is considered a fresh and original concept, but Prof. Weisberg found instead that it was closely related to several of Picasso's earlier works and drew upon his study of paintings by Goya and then-prevalent Communist Party imagery. The bottom line is that creativity goes back in many ways to the basics. "You have to immerse yourself in a discipline before you create in that discipline."

Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Many money managers spend their days in meetings, riffling through emails, staring at stock-quote machines with financial television flickering in the background, while they obsess about beating the market. Mr. Munger and Mr. Buffett, on the other hand, "sit in a quiet room and read and think and talk to people on the phone," says Shane Parrish, a money manager who editsFarnam Street, a compelling blog about decision making.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

We're happy due to: a strong sense of purpose, meaningful work, good friends, health, loving relationships, chance to learn, grow and help others. Long term profits come from having a deeper purpose, great products, satisfied customers, happy employees, great suppliers, and from taking responsibility for the community and environment.
John Mackey (Investment checklist)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

You can't make a good deal with a bad person.
Turnarounds seldom turn.

“If you don’t know jewelry, know the jeweller.”

You do things when the opportunities come along. I’ve had periods in my life when I’ve had a bundle of ideas come along, and I’ve had long dry spells. If I get an idea next week, I’ll do something. If not, I won’t do a damn thing.

If a business does well, the stock eventually follows.

There are all kinds of businesses that Charlie and I don’t understand, but that doesn’t cause us to stay up at night. It just means we go on to the next one, and that’s what the individual investor should do.

I am out of step with present conditions. When the game is no longer played your way, it is only human to say the new approach is all wrong, bound to lead to trouble, and so on. On one point, however, I am clear. I will not abandon a previous approach whose logic I understand ( although I find it difficult to apply ) even though it may mean foregoing large, and apparently easy, profits to embrace an approach which I don’t fully understand, have not practiced successfully, and which possibly could lead to substantial permanent loss of capital. - 1969

If I was running $1 million today, or $10 million for that matter, I’d be fully invested. Anyone who says that size does not hurt investment performance is selling. The highest rates of return I’ve ever achieved were in the 1950s. I killed the Dow. You ought to see the numbers. But I was investing peanuts then. It’s a huge structural advantage not to have a lot of money. I think I could make you 50% a year on $1 million. No, I know I could. I guarantee that. “Homespun Wisdom from the ‘Oracle of Omaha’", BusinessWeek, 5 July 1999.

No sector is a good buy unless you understand the business. However, I do believe that there is good value and great opportunity now in the financial sector because it is extremely unpopular. Sector’s themselves don’t make good buys, companies that are undervalued make good buys. You know how to value a business, you project the future cash flows discounted to present and buy with a margin of safety. The earnings prospects need to be greater than the current value. Anything that is unpopular is always great to look at. If I was getting out of school right now, I would take a look.

None of this means, however, that a business or stock is an intelligent purchase simply because it is unpopular; a contrarian approach is just as foolish as a follow-the-crowd strategy.


Saturday, August 10, 2013

From PD James "The private patient"

-His life was a mess. Some part of his nature, timid, indolent, lacking in confidence, had led him into this pattern of indecision, of leaving things to sort themselves out, as if he put faith in a benevlovent providence which would operate on his behalf if left alone.

-You surely understand one thing, the need to do what every instinct of your body tells you is ordained for you.

-Don't we all at some time or another make a decision which we know is absolutely right, the assurance that some enterprise, some change, is imperative? And even if it fails, to resist it will be a greater failure. I suppose some people would see that as a call from God.

-Life is too precious and too short to waste on people we don't care for, and much to precious to give up on love.

-A garden she could make and cherish, a useful job that she could do without strain with people she respected...

-"I like you, I respect and admire you. I'm never bored on irritated when we're together, and we share the same passion for the house, and when I return here and you're not about I feel an unease which is difficult to explain. Its a sense that there's something lacking, something missing. Can you call that love? Is it enough? It is for me, is it for you? Do you want time to think about it ?" And now she turned to him, "Asking for time would be play-acting. It is enough".

From ""

"You can have the greatest goals in the world," he said, "but if you have the wrong people running it, it isn’t going to work. On the other hand, if you’ve got the right person running it, almost anything is possible."

-When his first child was born, he turned a dresser drawer into the baby's bassinet and borrowed a crib for the second child. Not one for fancy cars, Buffett drove a Volkswagen until his wife upgraded him to a Lincoln Towncar. 

-"I'm happy there," he said. "I'd move if I thought I'd be happier someplace else. How would I improve my life by having 10 houses around the globe? I'm warm in the winter; I'm cool in the summer. It's convenient for me."

-"I try to buy stock in businesses that are so wonderful that an idiot can run them. Because sooner or later, one will."

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Avoiding mistakes - routine is key

Having well-defined procedures is a start. For everything from acquisitions to annual budgets, when CFOs and management teams follow well-structured processes, more careful analysis takes place. Checks and balances kick in that can curb impulses and other destructive forms of fast thinking.

Aswath Mohan on Valuation

-Some analysts determine operational cash to be 1-2% of revenues. Rest is treated as excess cash and used to reduce debt balance.

-It is safer to separate cash and marketable securities from operating assets and to value them individually.  Thisis because we use operating income to estimate free cash flows to the firm and operating income generally does not include income fromfinancial assets. Once you value the operating assets, you can add the value of the cash and marketable securities to it to arrive at firm value.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

From Seth Klarman's 2007 MIT speech

-A steadily rising housing market erased fears of credit risk, since one’s credit really doesn’t matter if the collateral—in this case houses—is only going up in value 

-Institutional selling of a low-priced small-capitalization spinoff, for example, can cause a temporary supply-demand imbalance. If a company fails to declare an expected dividend, institutions restricted to owning dividend-paying stocks may unload shares. Bond funds allowed to own only investment-grade debt would dump their holdings of an issue immediately after it was downgraded below BBB by the rating agencies. Market inefficiencies, like tax selling and window dressing, also create mindless selling, as can the deletion of a stock from an index. 

-My firm’s approach is to seek situations where there is urgent, panicked or mindless selling.

-smart investors look to the market not as a guide for what to do but as a creator of opportunity.

-The best investors do not target return; they focus first on risk, and only then decide whether the projected return justifies taking each particular risk

Monday, July 08, 2013

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Diversification reduces risk

If there is a bet on a flip of a coin : $100 becomes $120  on heads and becomes 0 on tails.
Value of bet is : 120 *0.5 + (-100) * 0.5 = 10.
Return is 10/100 but worst case is too risky (-100%)

If there are 10 coins, $10 bet on each, it becomes : $12 on each head and $0 on tails.
value of bet is 5heads and 5 tails : 10* (12 * 0.5 + (-10) * 0.5) = 10   = 10%
If it is 4H:6T : 4*(12 * 0.5) + 6*(-10)*0.5 = 24 -30 = -6  = -6%

-Lastly, O’Shaughnessy believes that proper diversification is a key factor in maintaining a profitable portfolio. He recommends at least 25 stocks in a micro-, small- or mid-cap portfolio and at least 10 in a large-cap portfolio. 
-In case you were wondering, a strategy based on buying stocks with the worst 6-month returns and then holding for a year had an annualized return of 4.15 percent (compared to 14% for low p/s)!  As stated in the book, “If you’re looking for a great way to underperform the market, look no further [than buying relative strength laggards].”
-Low P/S and P/B led to best returns.  Adding a generic relative strength strategy based on a 6-month return factor with annual rebalances outperformed further.

Greenblatt's little book notes

From Greenblatts little book that beats the markets
-If the gum shop earns 1.2M last year. 1M shares. How much  to buy at?  $12 seems good for 10% earnings yield. But main problem in investing is determining if we will get $1.2 per year going forward as well and if earnings could be higher going forward.

-There are many ways to define what makes a business good or bad- quality of products or services, loyalty of customers, value of its brands, efficiency of its operations, strength of competitors, long term prospects of a business.

-If it cost jason $400K to build each of his gum stores and if each store earned him $200K, he is earning a retun on capital of 50%.

-Buy at high earnings yield + high ROIC

-Graham suggested that by buying a group of these bargain stocks, investors could safely earn a high return without worrying about a few bad purchases and without doing complicated analysis of individual stocks.

-Magic Formula : IT takes also stocks and ranks them based on earnings yield. It also takes the same list and ranks them on ROIC. Then the two ranks are added together for a final list that is ranked from highest to lowest combined score.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

From "The outsiders" by William Thorndike

-The outsider CEOs achieved extraordinary results by consistently zigging while their peers zagged.

-The outsider CEOs consistently calculated the projected return before starting a project. They believed that the value of the financial projections was determined by the quality of their assumptions, not by the number of pages. Many developed single-page analytical templates that focused employees on key variables. These deceptively simple but analytical one-pagers served as a trigger to invoke Kahneman's slower reflective/analytical System 2

-To Buffett, there is a compelling  Zen-like logic in choosing to associated with the best and in avoiding unnecessary change.

-Buffett believes that excellent investment ideas are rare and exceptional returns come from concentrated portfolios. "We believe that a policy of portfolio concentration may well decrease risk if it raises the intensity with which an investor thinks about a business and the comfort level he must feel with its economic characteristics before buying into it"
-Better to change vessels in a chronically leaking boat than to patch leaks

-See's : The Turning point : WB bought See's for $25 million. They had tangible book of $7M and 4.2M in pre-tax profits. They paid an exorbitant 3X book and 6 times pre-tax income compared to Graham's strictures. They saw a beloved brand with excellent returns on capital and untapped pricing power. The company has sent 1.65B in free cash to Omaha in 39 years.

-Buffett's contrarian insight was that companies with low capital needs and the ability to raise prices were actually best positioned to resist inflation's corrosive effects.

-The deals not done were very important.

-Singleton was a very disciplined buyer, never paying more than 12 times earnings and purchasing most companies at lower multiples. Many companies were acquired using Teledyne's pricey stock.

on gold

From Hulbert on gold 3/29/13
Consider: Investors who bought gold at its January 1980 peak of $875/oz are today still below water in inflation-adjusted terms. They even were showing a loss two years ago when gold was trading for more than $1,900.
The investment implication is to pay careful attention to gold's longer-term cycles before buying gold—or be willing to hold it for many decades.
So how should you decide where gold is in its long-term cycle? As a rule of thumb, the researchers urge investors to calculate a ratio of gold's price to the level of the consumer-price index. This ratio's historical average has been about 3.4 to 1, so it is a good bet that gold is overvalued whenever the ratio is well above that level.
When gold hit its high over $1,900 an ounce in September 2011, for example, the ratio was more than 8 to 1. In January 1980, the ratio stood at more than 11 to 1.
Unfortunately for the gold bugs, the current gold/CPI ratio—5.3 to 1—is still above average, even in the wake of gold's plunge over the past three months. To be in line with that average, gold would have to trade for $780 an ounce. 

Saturday, May 04, 2013

buffett 2013 AM

Q Asked about Herbalife and Ackman's fight and multi-level marketing.
Mr. Buffett replies that the ultimate test is whether there’s a market for the goods being sold. And in the case of Pampered Chef, he says, there’s no question that there is. (BH owns Pampered Chef, also an MLM)

Qut still, interest rates will rise, and it will be a “shot heard around the world.”
A separate question from Ms. Quick: How does the policy affect Berkshire’s companies? Mr. Buffett notes how asset prices have risen because of the abundance of cheap debt, as well as lowering the costs for a deal like the Heinz takeover.
“This is like watching a good movie, as far as I’m concerned,” he says, “because I don’t know how it will end.”
Mr. Buffett says that the past decade has generally been rough for business. That said, if the market continues to rally as it has this year, Berkshire will suffer its first five-year period of trailing the S.&P. 500.
“It won’t be a happy day, but it won’t discourage us,” he said. He added as a caveat that the company is likely to outperform the market in down years.

  • What Buffett says about his research and process in making investments given there are legendary stories of his past due diligence, including of American Express, where he hired advisers. That contrasts to the $5 billion he put into Bank of America in 2011, which Buffett has admitted he decided in the bathtub would be a good idea and called.
  • “You have to love something to do well at it. ... It is an enormous advantage if you absolutely love what you are doing. ... The nature of it is that intensity adds to your productivity.
    That follow-up shareholder asked them about metrics and screening for stocks, and Buffett and Munger both said they don’t really look at numbers.
  • “We are looking at businesses exactly like we are looking at them if somebody came in and asked us to buy the whole business,” Buffett said. He said they then want to know how it will do in ten years.
    Munger was even more forceful: “We don’t know how to buy stocks by metrics ... We know that Burlington Northern will have a competitive advantage in years ... we don’t know what the heck Apple will have. ... You really have to understand the company and its competitive positions. ... That’s not disclosed by the math.
    Buffett: "I don’t know how I would manage money if I had to do it just on the numbers"
    Munger, interupting, "You’d do it badly."

Friday, May 03, 2013

WB U nebraska speech contd

We pay no attention to economic forecasts. I don’t read anything [along those lines]. I read annual reports, but I don’t read anybody’s opinion about what’s going to happen next week, or next month or next year.

The second question is whether there are any special industries we favor. The only thing we favor is industries we can understand. And then, we like businesses with what I call “moats” around them. We like businesses that are protected in some way from competition. If you go in the drugstore and say “I want to buy a Hershey bar” and the guy says “I’ve got an unmarked chocolate bar that’s a nickel cheaper,” you’ll buy the Hershey bar or you’ll go across the street.
One of the interesting things to do is walk through a supermarket sometime and think about who’s got pricing power, and who’s got a franchise, and who doesn’t. If you go buy Oreo cookies, and I’m going to take home Oreo cookies or something that looks like Oreo cookies for the kids, or your spouse, or whomever, you’ll buy the Oreo cookies. If the other is three cents a package cheaper, you’ll still buy the Oreo cookies. You’ll buy Jello instead of some other. You’ll buy Kool Aid instead of Wyler’s powdered soft drink. But, if you go to buy milk, it doesn’t make any difference whether its Borden’s, or Sealtest, or whatever. And you will not pay a premium to buy one milk over another. You will not pay a premium to buy one [brand of] frozen peas over another, probably. It’s the difference between having a wonderful business and not a wonderful business. The milk business is not a good business.

Anything that differentiates your product – those are the businesses we like to be in.

The durability and strength of the franchise is the most important thing in figuring out [whether it’s a good business]. If you think a business is going to be around 10 or 20 years from now, and that they’re going to be able to price advantageously, that’s going to be a good business. And if somebody has to have a prayer session every time they want to raise the price a dollar a pound on whatever they’re selling, that’s not going to be a good business.

One of the things you will find, which is interesting and people don’t think of it enough, with most businesses and with most individuals, life tends to snap you at your weakest link.
The two biggest weak links in my experience: I’ve seen more people fail because of liquor and leverage

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Buffett Nebraska

Q What exactly do you do all day?
A I spend an inordinate time reading. I probably read atleast six hours a day, maybe more.And I spend an hour or two on the telephone.And I think. Thats about it.

-I would say there is no hunch or intuitiveness or nothing of the sort. I try to sit and figure out what the future economic prospects of a business are. I try to figure out whether the management is someone or a group I both trust and admire, and I try to figure out whether the price is right. I mean that: Its the right business, the right people and the right price.

Buffett notredame, pricing power

Buffett Notredame

-I would say that the most important thing in business, and investments, which I regard as the same thing, from our standpoint, is being able to accurately define your circle of competence.

-You need very few good ideas in your lifetime. You have to be willing to have the discipline to say, “I’m not going to do something I don’t understand.”

-Why should I do something I don’t understand? That’s why I find it an advantage to be in Omaha instead of New York. I worked in New York for a few years, and people were coming up to me on the corner and whispering in my ear all the time. I was getting excited all the time. I was a wonderful customer for the brokers.

-But now you say “I don’t know how to evaluate the Washington Post.” It isn’t that hard to evaluate the Washington Post. You can look and see what newspapers and television stations sell for. If your fix is $400 and it’s selling for $390, so what? You can’t [invest safely with such a small margin of safety]. If your range is $300 to $500 and it’s selling for $80 you don’t need to be more accurate than that.

-[Question from audience about how many of his investment ideas are pitched to him by others.]
Practically none. The Wall Street Journal is my deal source. There are 1,700 or 1,800 of America’s companies that I’m generally familiar with

-We read hundreds and hundreds of annual reports every year. I own 100 shares of everything. I find this much more reliable than asking to be put on a mailing list

-Well, I would say this. If we were working with $25 million – so we could sort of look at the whole universe of stocks – I would guess that you could find 15 or 20 out of three or four thousand that you would find that were A) selling for substantially less than they’re worth, and B) that the intrinsic value of the business was going to grow at a compound rate which was very satisfactory.

-You don’t want to buy a dollar bill that’s sitting for 50 cents, and it demands positive capital, and it’s going to be a dollar bill ten years from now. You want a dollar bill that’s going to compound at 12% for [a long time].

-Incidentally, I would say that almost everybody I know in Wall Street has had as many good ideas as I have, they just had a lot of [bad] ideas too. And I’m serious about that. I mean when I bought Western Insurance Security selling at $16 and earning $20 per share, I put half my net worth into it. I checked it out first – I went down to the insurance commission and got out the convention statements, I read Best’s, and I did a lot of things first.

-A couple of fast tests about how good a business is. First question is “how long does the management have to think before they decide to raise prices?” You’re looking at marvelous business when you look in the mirror and say “mirror, mirror on the wall, how much should I charge for Coke this fall?” [And the mirror replies, “More.”] That’s a great business. When you say, like we used to in the textile business, when you get down on your knees, call in all the priests, rabbis, and everyone else, [and say] “just another half cent a yard.” Then you get up and they say “We won’t pay it.” It’s just night and day. I mean, if you walk into a drugstore, and you say “I’d like a Hershey bar” and the man says “I don’t have any Hershey bars, but I’ve got this unmarked chocolate bar, and it’s a nickel cheaper than a Hershey bar” you just go across the street and buy a Hershey bar. That is a good business.

-I’ll try this on the students later: What’s the highest price of a daily newspaper in the United States? [Pause] The highest priced daily newspaper in the United States is the Daily Racing Form. 150,000 copies a day, $2.25 a copy, they go up in 25 cent intervals, and it doesn’t affect circulation at all. Why? There is no substitute. If you go to the track, assuming you’re a forms player, you don’t want “Joe’s Little Green Sheet”, you want The Form. And it doesn’t make any difference what it costs! There is no substitute. And that’s why they’ve got a 65% pretax margin. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out.
There are products like that, and there are products like sheet steel. And they’re night and day.

-Then [I said] “I’ve got only one other question: How do you figure out how much to charge people? You look like a man of awesome commercial instincts – you started with a $1,500 radio station, now you’re worth $4 or $5 billion dollars.”
He said “Well, that’s another good question. I just tell my US managers to try and make 45% pretax and figure that’s not gouging.”

-Lord Thompson, once he bought the paper in Council Bluffs, never put another dime in. They just mailed money every year.

The idea was that, essentially, he raised prices and raised earnings there every year without having to put more capital into the business.

-The product was undifferentiated (berkshire lining). The candy product is differentiated (sees). (Garbled story of Hershey Bar and Coke versus unbranded but modestly cheaper products).

-You really want something where, if they don’t have it in stock, you want to go across the street to get it. Nobody cares what kind of steel goes into a car.

-someday, there’s going to be some business I understand selling for way less than the value I arrived at. It doesn’t have anything to do with book value, although it does have to do with earnings power over a period of time. It usually relates, fairly closely, to cash [flow]

-Essentially, they ignored it because it was so familiar. But that happens periodically on Wall Street.

-Western Insurance companies: I didn’t have any background in insurance. But I knew I could understand it if I worked at it for a while. And all I was really trying to do was disprove this thing. I was really trying to figure out something that was wrong with this. Only there wasn’t anything wrong. It was a perfectly good insurance company, a better than average underwriter, and you could buy it at one times earnings.

-think the Wall Street Journal is essential. I spend 45 minutes a day with the Wall Street Journal. Actually, I got up the night before, about 11:00... I frequently read it at night. But I’ll read anything. Actually, I probably spend five or six hours a day on reading

-Buried in rented suit



-It’s really quite simple. I need to understand the business like anowner. The firm needs to have staying power; I want to be confident about thegeneral nature of the business and industry landscape on a longer term basis 

-In fact, I think very little about quarterly earnings and more aboutthe barriers to entry, competitive landscape/threats, the ongoing capital needsand overall economics, and most importantly, the durability of the business 

-Wealso stress test the business under various economic scenarios and look to anormalized earnings power. We passed up many seemingly attractive ideas overthe years as we would ask, “What happens under 7-10% unemployment (whenunemployment was in the 4-5% range) and 6-8% interest rates?
-“Is the business overly reliant on loose credit extension and frivolousspending?” Many names didn’t hold up under these stress test scenarios, so wepassed.
-We prefer cockroach-like businesses — very hardyand almost impossible to kill!
-Oftentimes a key cog of valueis in a form that’s difficult to measure — brands, mindshare/loyal customers,exclusive distribution rights, locations, management, etc. Sometimes it’s thelocation of assets that can be hugely valuable. Waste Management [WM] andUSG [USG] both have assets that are uniquely located and almost impossible toduplicate, which provides a low-cost advantage in certain geographies.
-Any time you arepaying a price today that’s dependent on heroics tomorrow — fantastic growthfar into the future, favorable macro environment, R&D breakthroughs, patentapproval, synergies/restructurings, dramatic margin improvements, large payofffrom capex, etc. — you run the risk of inviting pesky over-optimism(psychologists have shown overconfidence tends to infect most of us), whichcan result in skewed probabilities and payoffs. We want to see a return todayand not base our thesis on optimistic projections about the future. Investments based on projections that are disconnected from any historicalrecord make us leery. Investments dependent upon a continued frothy macroenvironment (housing, loose credit) are prone to over-optimism as well — howmany housing-related/consumer credit companies were trading at 6x multiplesgrowing 15%+ inviting IV estimates 5x the current quote?

-How do you generate investment ideas?
Mecham: Mainly by reading a lot. I don’t have a scientific model to generateideas. I’m weary of most screens. The one screen I’ve done in the past was bymarket cap, then I started alphabetically. Companies and industries that are outof favor tend to attract my interest. Over the past 13+ years, I’ve built up a baseof companies that I understand well and would like to own at the right price. Wetend to stay within this small circle of companies, owning the same namesmultiple times

-That’s the beauty of the public markets: If you can be patient, there’s a goodchance the volatility of the marketplace will give you the chance to owncompanies on your watch list. The average stock price fluctuates by roughly80% annually (when comparing 52-week high to 52-week low). Certainly, theunderlying value of a business doesn’t fluctuate that much on an annual basis, sothe public markets are a fantastic arena to buy businesses if you can sit stillwithout growing tired of sitting still

-We try andstick with companies we understand, where we have a high degree of confidencein the staying power of the firm. We spend considerable effort thinking criticallyabout competitive threats (Porter’s five forces, etc). We really stress long-termstaying power and management teams with proven track records that are focusedon building long-term value. Then we always “stress test” the thesis againstdifficult economic environments.

-If the financialcrisis taught nothing else, it showed how elegant financial models that calculaterisk to decimal point precision act like a sedative towards critical thinking andeven common sense
-Most investors are their own worst enemies — buying and sellingtoo often, ignoring the boundaries of their mental horsepower. I think ifinvestors adopted an ethos of not fooling themselves, and focused on reducingunforced errors as opposed to hitting the next home run, returns would improvedramatically

Thursday, April 04, 2013

When to walk away

Scott doesn’t need predictions of US$60 iron ore to tell him to steer clear of the notoriously cyclical sector. If he can’t reasonably predict the future demand or supply for something — especially a commodity like iron ore — he simply walks away.
There are no penalties in the investing game for missing out on the next big winner.